
I agree with you 100% about the whole 4G deal. 3G is plenty fast for 95% of what I do on a daily basis, and I tend to perform a variety of tasks on my iPhone. It's funny how now that smartphones have pretty much hit a wall as far as new hardware features to offer (all have GPS, accelerometer, WiFi, Bluetooth, etc),

I love how the whole issue of finance is skirted in all of these anti-AT&T pieces. No one ever analyzes how T-Mobile is doing financially, and why this would be in their (meaning shareholders) best interest if they're having issues with liquidity, financing future expansion, etc.

All excellent points, and I would most definitely take an e92 M3 over this AMG anyday. It's a mean car, but the M3 is just so sexy.

My 1st choice, followed closely by the Prius

Agreed. How someone could buy a car without a radio and A/C is beyond me. To put tunes in this would be a real PITA.

I've seen a couple black ones and a silver one here in SW FL, now curious about the white. Badass car nonetheless!


Double Dragon style?!

I don't get the hype around the Spyker. I've seen a couple at shows, and looked at them for a grand total of 10 seconds before running like a school girl to a Bieber concert to look at '60's Ferrari's. The Spyker is just too damn flashy, ergo not cool.

Good call on the 308. That one looks like a 328 or a BB wannabe, no?

Having worked in construction in my prior job, this makes me laugh, shudder, wince, and shrug all at the same time. Sadly, you see stuff like this all the time if you know where to look.

In theory, yes. In practice, sometimes yes sometimes no. The only benefit I've really experienced with wired vs. wireless for gaming is the stability, not so much performance.

*Rummages through cabinet* WHO TOOK MY EYE BLEACH!?!

Man I hope this fixes whatever happened since 4.3 came out. I was using Remote on Sunday and it kept dropping the connection to iTunes, pissed me off!

I don't really see that as a problem. Check your battery life before entering the restaurant, and have a car charger with you. Solved :-)

Karate in addition to the cars, gaming industry & sushi :-)

Fact! Let's gather everyone we can find and do this!

Correct you are. I find it a bit ridiculous that people here in the US were getting so worked up about this affecting us. I know it was a "possibility", but seeing as Japan is clear across the entire Pacific Ocean, tsunami waves being generated from there and hitting here did not exactly have a high probability of

Sounds like a cool idea! I wonder how the sound will be when amplified, ie loss of bass, harshness, etc.