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I cried when Left Eye died. Especially when I found out she was in Honduras doing charity work that she kept pretty much a secret. THIS is still one of my favorite awards show performances ever. Poor Chilli had to get stuck between Left Eye and TBoz’s amazing dance moves:

Karma’s a bitch, bitch.

That was a joy to watch. Not only is she so eloquent and lovely, but smart and speaks from the heart and to the point. She is the perfect ambassador for the trans community.

Well it is a white house so Katy clearly meant it falling off a cliff as a metaphor for our current situation.

I can’t stand this dude (Cotton, not the adorbs kid) but I will give him an iota of respect for standing up there and taking it, unlike so many of his fellow Congresspeople. Still, he’s an asshole.

This is beautiful. Chances you’ll see this story on Fox or Breitbart?

That’s exactly why I feel they’ve avoided using the words, even on Holocaust Remembrance day. I have to believe it’s Bannon’s work.

Now I must watch Better off Dead for the 1,000th time.

I hope we look back 20 years from now and see him as an aberration and a stain on the Presidency.

Or speak in coherent, cogent English.

Can’t the ACLU do something if this audio leak blows up? Are we this fucking helpless?

The closer we get to 2018, if his behavior and unpopularity holds (and well, duh!), they will drop him like a hot potato to save their own asses.

My poor therapist. My entire weekly sessions now consist of unloading about how upsetting and baffling this Presidency is. And I’m also a former insomniac who wakes for up an hour or so in the middle of the night stressed out about the events of the prior day and apprehension about the horrors and embarrassments of

Can someone who knows legalese better than I explain how this isn’t the very definition of quid pro quo? Isn’t he blatantly peddling influence and access to people who pay the $200k membership fee?

hmmmm... looks creepy. I have been using Queen Helene Mint Julep mask for years—super cheap and great smelling, feeling—and my skin always looks great afterward. But, I may give this a try.

hmmmm... looks creepy. I have been using Queen Helene Mint Julep mask for years—super cheap and great smelling,

He is listed on their Wikipedia page as being an alumnus. You would think if you graduated a future President he’d be on a plaque or something but they seem to want nothing to do with him. Also notable that he has in the past said he attended Wharton Business School obtaining an MBA, which is another well-known lie.

Twittler lied about graduating first in his class from Penn/Wharton, yet he doesn’t even show up on the Dean’s list from that year. This type of behavior goes waaaaay back.

Is there a map somewhere online showing locations of your nearest fallout bunker that someone could please point me to? k, thx

That picture is sooooooo embarrassing. Especially considering he’s standing next to the PILF.

He’s also 💩’s speechwriter apparently and oh my god how horrible are his speeches? I mean, American Carnage??? There’s a hopeful, winning slogan for you.