
I really like the South Bend mayor (not even gonna attempt his last name) but I think he might be a bit too young/green politically speaking, but he has a great future in the Party. I’m all in on Perez. He has the fire and passion, the education, and the skills to help rebuild the party from the ground up.

That was a truly terrifying and telling statement by Paul, which we shouldn’t forget or let go, and it explains why Chaffetz seems less than interested in starting an investigation on Russian interference but during the Inauguration was all gung-ho to keep investigating Hillary.

The way that 💩 kowtows around Putin, refusing to say negative stuff about him, constantly praising him as a leader, leaves NO doubt in my mind that the Russians have something “big league”on him. We all know how he likes to talk in private (the Access Hollywood tapes) and I’m sure all of the hotel rooms that he and

I think it’s sarcasm.

It wouldn’t make a good political thriller novel. It would make a great The Naked Gun: White House.

How about 1 month mandatory bed rest. Boy could she use it.

thank you for using garbage person, a term which I have been using a lot lately.

Why is this woman in the White House? What are her qualifications? I saw a heated exchange between her and Chris Hayes a couple of months ago which she ended with her version of “Who’s gonna check me, boo?” Far from professional.

Or President Obama. He deserves a place on the Court.

Right? Look at the Four Horseman of the Apocalypse who are leading his administration: Bannon; Conway; Miller and Spicer.

I totally read Hitler’s SS at first too. It’s the world we live in now that is the first thing that comes to most of our minds. :(

I LOVE Hillary but I really hope she doesn’t run again, and honestly don’t believe she will.

those guys are definitely Whole.

I am in Kaufmann Astoria studios quite often (the location of the installation) and it did toward the end become very sketchy with guys in hoodies hanging around late at night and the area monitored by police. What I don’t get as a Queens resident is where the hell are these nazi punks coming from? They sure as hell

Stuff has happened, he’s just chosen to ignore it. Quebec mosque massacre? nothing. Tornadoes in Georgia and New Orleans? Crickets.

Like Seth Myers observed: The Presidency is supposed to age the President, not the rest of us.

I’ll never forget the impact of my high school English teacher in Huntsville, Al. Looking back he was the classic hippie burnout: long beard, wore the same outfit everyday—a t-shirt, khakis with suspenders, and sandals. He even drove a broken-down VW microbus. But he was so inspiring and fed my love of literature and

Twittler’s fans are worthless pieces of shit. I had a person on The Hill tell me that it was not Trump’s responsibility to make a public statement on the mosque massacre in Quebec, while at the same time he is out there publicly railing against the press for ignoring terrorism.

I had read about a national day of strike but as a gay man I will stand with my fellow American women and observe this event. I’m still hoping for an epic Tax Day March because I think that would send a very clear and powerful message.

One of the very times I hate living in a solidly blue state (NY).