She’s everything.
She’s everything.
Ha! I have excellent teeth.
I’m American (parents are Mexican and Dutch) and on many of my travels to Spain I’ve had people ask me if I was English, even after hearing my American accent. I do sorta look Irish (fair skin with rosy cheeks, Roman nose and blue eyes) but the accent part I don’t get at all.
Diaaaaaannnnnneee! This is the vehicle Christine Baranski deserves. And Cush Jumbo is superb.
Oh trust me, as an avid fan of The Good Wife/Fight, I just find the The Good Fight so much more compelling.
Many days I go to the gym at lunch and so I don’t have a lot of time to be away from the office. I’ve established a pretty killer push-up routine that I do 2 days a week that leaves me feeling happily wrecked in around 25-30 minutes: Intervals of 100 jumps with a jump rope followed by 15-20 pushups and back to the…
Ha, I had the same experience! I speak “some” French and was really looking forward to practicing but whenever I would walk into a shop I’d be greeted with “bonjour,” would reciprocate, and the person would immediately pick up on me being a non-native speaker and follow up with “may I help you?” I wasn’t offended,…
Major props for the Bridesmaids ending.
I did not but friends of mine (whose opinions I trust) raved about it.
I would just like to say that I am very happy to see Laura Dern working so much lately. Such an underrated actress and her Renata on Big, Little Lies is chilling.
“Just because the British didn’t burn down your city doesn’t mean you have to.” SNL nailed it:
Skip the famous Fairmont Bagels (gone downhill the past couple of years) and check out St-Viateur Bagel Shop instead (I still regard New York’s bagels as better than Montreal’s). If you’re looking for a unique spa experience, we did Bota Bota ( on the St. Lawrence River on New Year’s Eve.…
Ryan’s the hero we deserve.
What are the chances of him losing his seat where you are? He’s such an embarrassment.
A lawyer on CNN just called this memo “garbage.” We still deserve to see the Dems minority memo.
I don’t know ... I “might” be down just to see Sharon Stone play Samantha.