The difference is up to 2.6 million as of today...and climbing. I’m so sad. :(
The difference is up to 2.6 million as of today...and climbing. I’m so sad. :(
They lost me at Ariana Grande.
I had the misfortune of getting stuck on the block around Trump Tower while Christmas shopping yesterday. Holy fuckballs what a shit show. All of the sidewalks are divided by metal gates, the police presence is unreal, and it took me a solid 10 minutes to walk one block because of stupid tourists taking selfies with…
I trolled Trump on Twitter about this basically saying “you created this—now fix it!” Boy did the Deplorables crawl out of the swamp to attack me, threatening that I should be kicked in the stomach, etc. Welcome to Trump’s America people!!!!
I was expecting said “girl” to be a boy and for that to be the big “reveal.” That says a lot about me I guess. I see the world through gay as shit eyes.
holy shit I fell for it. We are so tuned (the music, the acting, etc) to look for the good in people that we fail to see the sadness, anger and danger.
I can’t stop thinking about what his first State of the Union will look like. Trump on a teleprompter is about as inspiring as wet cheetos.
Oh my god I read it the same way at first. Shows where my head and heart are right now. Still not ok.
I’m not sure if I should laugh or cry? Or laugh and then cry, or ... Fuck it all I need a drink.
Years ago (like maybe 15) a friend of mine when home with him from a club. Wasn’t too impressed if you know what I mean.
Stop it! You’re just making it harder to say goodbye.
I HATED this show when it first started. I kept thinking “why is HGTV forcing this goofy couple on us?” Then I kind of started to get into it. “Joanna is so pretty,” “they’re so adorable together,” “awww Chip is so adorkable!” But then I read an interview with them about their trips to New York and their goal of…
Wasn’t he almost 60 when Barron was born? Talk about risky pregnancy.
The same one that does her hair?
just when I was going off my meds...
I’m past the mourning stage and into my f’ing angry at everyone who sat this election out on “principle” stage.
Was listening to Morning Edition on the way to work this morning and apparently this guy’s plan will be great if you’re young and in good health but a total disaster if your older and poor, or you know, your typical Trump voter. Way to go guys!!!
Geesh, looking at him now makes me feel really awesome about myself! We’re the same age but Dear God what happened to him?!?
The only positive that came out of the election for me was that I stopped watching MSNBC, CNN and the other major networks and now have been listening to NPR, reading, and doing other things to better myself rather than obsessing with news & politics 24 hours a day. I also subscribed to The New Yorker and the…