
Only the best paddlin’ for children.

Extra buck for chips? Who are you? A Saudi royal?

Only thing that would make it more Florida is if he had already eaten shot a couple of members from a speeding convertible while high on cocaine.

“Get next to it for perspective!”

I’ll let you in on a secret: Most of the world aren’t Americans, and thus aren’t weighed down with 4+ centuries of racial clashes.

I mean, that doesn’t make these good, by any stretch. Just saying the same logic that’s reflexive to some doesn’t necessarily apply here.

EDITED: sorry, still have to chuckle at whitesplaining racism and getting the country wrong

I went to a Police concert in 1982 or so, where I had shitty seats up high, at the side of the stage. However, that afforded me a PERFECT view of the fistfight that Sting and Copeland got into as soon as they were off the stage.

I got my hair cut the other week and some Bill Lumbergh looking motherfucker was on his LAPTOP the entire time he got his haircut. He was seated next to me, hair cape on, laptop on his legs, just happy as could be. I glanced over to see how much hair was getting on his computer and I see he’s on Facebook. That was

I just can’t see Hiddleston as Bond. Now if they remade the Saint, I could see him in that.

Here’s another way to look at Mays’ catch, though. If any other player — except maybe DiMaggio or Mantle? — had made that catch (and many better catches have been made by lesser-known players), Mays’ catch would not have been know as the The Catch. The greatness of his catch is exaggerated because it was made by one

Are you sure that's not one of those asshole pics?

I miss when you had to draw your sex organ and mail it across the country in the hopes that the horse drawn carriage pulling your mail across the rugged, undeveloped landscape becomes waylaid by a pack of female bandits who seize the mail, find your hand drawn sex organ, and eventually track you down because, my man,

That’s just cause to make the film. Doesn’t include distribution and market which is massive costs. Everything I’ve read says it needs to be over a billion to be considered a success. 800 million is the estimated break-even point.

I mean, you fuck one goat and they call you a goat fucker.

Also, Clinton won the NV primary election. Nothing was being stolen from these people. Blame the Sanders ground game for not having its delegates be prepared and follow the rules.

How rude.

When the walls fell?

Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra.