
Don’t carry the bag on the plane if you can’t put it in/get it out of the overhead bin.

All around.

Decades of SyFy originals has taught me that Dinosaurs are, indeed, bulletproof.

The process is much easier. No negotiations. Just bend over and take it.

Broaden your view a little bit and you’ll see that this has a ton of value for couples in a committed relationship that actively do not want kids.

I’m still here just completely stunned that this wasn’t a slideshow... 

God, no wonder.  I’d rather die than live in most of those places...

Love. It’s what makes a Subaru a Subaru.

Tucker Carlson’s lawyers: “No reasonable person would believe the crap that comes out of his mouth.”

In just the past year I have learned that if the cars never leave the driveway, I never have a problem finding a place to park.

It’s from the movie Ready Player One

So this one didn’t make the cut either?

I went I went in with the opposite situation. “I am ready to buy today if you can hit this price.”

Now playing

Maybe we should send him things like this video of Trump talking about his campaign and rallies at a polling location in FL?

On the one hand I’m doing the Jeremiah Johnson GIF, and then I think about how this is another scam. He doesn’t have it, he just doesn’t want to do anymore debates if they make play by the rules so he’s going to just “quit while he’s ahead”.. Play the sympathy card from his base... Fighting bravely! The bravest! And

So what are the different potential outcomes of this?

Wouldn’t surprise me if he said they are positive just so that he could say after their quarantine “See, we recovered, I told you it was no big deal... I’m the fittest president ever!”

/Yes, I’m that cynical
//No, I don’t put it past him
///Slashies are immune

I’ve been voting twice for years.

If you are going to be taking off your tires to rotate them yourself, or to switch summer and winter tires, or to do more advanced maintenance, I’d recommend some more stuff:

If you are going to be taking off your tires to rotate them yourself, or to switch summer and winter tires, or to do

What is in the pipe needs to get out of the pipe. Example: a water main inside a large pipe (aside from the cramped quarters to work in) has to have laterals out to the houses. Each lateral has to pass through the wall of that large pipe and any shift in the dirt puts that as a point of failure. Either the lateral