
DEI hire in Reagan ATC for sure. Or maybe the helicopter pilot’s second cousin is trans. Or maybe this is why we should re-designate them Sikorsky “White-Hawks.”

But seriously, this is horrible. My heart is with all the victims and their families. Accidents happen and that doesn’t make it okay, but the cynic in me is

Our military budget is 820 billion, so why can’t we spend 15 billion investing in EV infrastructure and push development from U.S. automakers? At this point it seems like a national security issue. 

But it would be hilarious to watch them bicker if the fate of the county didn’t hang in the balance

all that “it was meant to be”, “gods’ plan” “everything happens for a reason” “preordained” garbage makes me want to vomit. Religious programming will destroy us all. 

Every single conspiracy wacko I have ever met has been incapable of handling uncertainty, chance, bad luck, chaos and randomness. They are such control freaks that they cannot handle that bad shit just happens. Effing small minded cowards. 

They did.

Didn’t GM say it was going to stop including CarPlay in the future in favor of their own service (probably subscription based)?

How on earth are they trying to argue carplay is anticompetitive, but not the automotive infotainment systems themselves? Why aren’t automakers forced to allow us to install whatever software we want on our infotainment systems?

Okay, man. 

I owned and operated a tire shop for a little over a decade, this was a great write up!

Man the tire shop would have had a fucking heart attack with it so close to the sidewall. They would have said they needed to replace that tire. Then said they cannot replace just that one because the other 3 tires are slightly oval. They can’t replace all 4 tires unless you get your motor mounts replaced and they

Keep it quiet Tom. Aruba needs no advertising.

** prepares GOP candidate speech ** - “Have you seen how many irresponsible mothers are putting their kids, unaccompanied, onto airplanes? The problem is irresponsible mothers getting divorces and being allowed to live away from the man that owns them! Elect me and I’ll fix that problem by making divorce illegal for

Sex work is a perfectly acceptable profession (so long as a person gets to willingly choose it and have control of their clientele). The authors of that paper are just greedy assholes who find it easier to lie to the public than adjust how they make money.

It’s the other way around - the people in power fund this kind of “research” so to create narratives that get the common folk against any kind of change for the better.

Nobody should be surprised, Texass is a trashy state full of shitty people. 

I’m not sure what most of these are, can I just take this list to Lowes and have them grab them for me?

Broken down and stranded just like X

It’s stupid looking from all angles. 

Wow, Ive never seen it from that angle. That is stupid looking