
stock buybacks =/= reinvestment

I know, who doesn’t want to spend big on theater concessions, or dealing with the wonderful experience of strangers coming in after the movie starts trying to find their seats, and then texting and talking throughout the movie.  How can watching a movie in the comfort of your own home compare to that?!

Does no one here fault the morality of the buyer?!? Jesus H - its like Tom is completely absolving the buyer of any fault, here. Nobody held a gun to the buyer’s head and said “sign here”. This speaks more to the “I deserve a new car” mentality of people than it does to the sales tactics of a car dealer. Dealers are

I’ll contribute to a GoFundMe for the foster parents who the surviving children are assigned to. The birth parents should be facing charges for manslaughter and child abuse.

True, but the best camera is the one you have with you.

I’ll save Gizmodo some time:

The solution here is simply for people to be a) good hosts and b) good guests. That means accommodating reasonable requests for special meals when you invite people into your home, and not making unreasonable requests when you visit someone else’s home.

Shouldn’t he like.. not supposed to be admitting that hes doing favors for a specific company? oh well

As a parent of two young children I would amend this list thusly:

Oh shit, Rickety Cricket’s staring in it!

Do you do children's birthday parties? Werner Herzog is unavailable. 

Why spend $1,000 on an iPhone when you could have a dope ass laptop for half the price?

Different products. Different experiences. 

Why spend $1,000 on an iPhone when you could have a dope ass laptop for half the price?

Different products. Different

I think the development of both us better for us. Sweet tech is being developed and the demand for pure EVs is huge.

You mean like every company is doing now? Maybe look up “mature markets” and you’ll figure it out.

I grew up in this kind of environment with very conservative evangelical parents and I feel bad for these kids. Its not the kids fault, they know and want to know the facts, but its the parents, and the parents pastors that are forcing them to reject some of what they are being taught in school to prove their loyalty

They’re a holy day, after all, celebrating the birth of our Lord, Savior, and ultimate global executioner a la Godzilla-style carnage and mayhem:

Yeah I’m actually going to side with Comcast *heave* on this one. If Comcast didn’t have any black-owned/focused channels then yeah there is a case. But “there isn’t enough demand to spend time and money on it” is literally business-101. I mean the channels sound super generic. It sounds like it should be some

I know this is obvious to a lot of people, but hey, US public schools can only do so much:

Man that gas mileage is a joke. I currently average just under 38mpg in my 2018 Accord, I could never stomach cutting that nearly in half. Just buy cars people, if you ever really need to haul shit you don’t need to spend $20k more, just rent a truck from Home Depot for $20.

I don’t fault Doug Pedersen for trying to fire up his team. It’s what coaches are supposed to do.