
“I’m kinda shy but mostly excited. And courageous.”

This is likely the biggest mistake I’ve ever made on Kinja, but god help me, here I go.

Absolutely nothing can compete with Feedly. It is superior to everything available today.

“So, I think the moral of the story is, everyone needs to buy an Alfa Giulia.”

Nats fan here, and I got the exact result I wanted. Nats win, Harper shows up Strickland... yeah, that works. Harper is Harper, and it was great having him here. Glad he got our asshole pitcher.

Reenactment of the scene

Iiiiiiiiiiiiin West Philadelphia

Just imagine if he gotten tapped on the helmet while trying to throw the ball! Why, such savagery does not belong in this sport!

It makes more sense when you accept they don’t actually give a shit about “unborn babies.” They simply want to punish women for having sex. 

(And that’s before we winnow out the Odinists, who’re white nationalists.)

The guy sounds insufferable.  His incel meetings must be a blast.

Letter writer 1, having standards is fine. I wanted to date someone with whom I could have a good conversation and who shared at least one of my hobbies. That said, you sound extremely picky for a few reasons:

Taco Bell Layer of Blubber

I bet Bachelor number 1 is real fun at parties.

Heathen (Norse religion)

This 100%. I don’t have the time or inclination to troubleshoot my phone. Also I do most of my banking on it and store all my passwords in LastPass. My iPhone is the one piece of computing technology that I fully trust with all that, and it’s locked down by a detailed 3D image of my face. I’ve seen and heard of all

Speaking as someone who has worked in the tech world for a few decades, I like the App Store for what it is; a place to get software for your iPhone that isn’t going to stop your phone from working.

These...aren’t terribly similar, and there’s more than just chin shape and nose placement to a face.