It’s the Browns. This is like Schrödinger’s Draft Pick. Whoever they choose has a 50% chance of being a dead cat.
It’s the Browns. This is like Schrödinger’s Draft Pick. Whoever they choose has a 50% chance of being a dead cat.
Agreed. Keep Alex Rodriguez though. It pains me, but he’s actually a pretty good if not slightly great analyst.
He was on Fox’s postseason coverage last year and it should be a seamless transition into broadcasting/commentating, hopefully they can boot off living fossil and Ditka analogue Pete Rose to make room for Jimmy.
I wish Apple would allow Blockers to be used by other apps besides Safari.
the university’s medial sciences building
But I thought more guns = more safety. And an armed society is a polite society. And I also thought that alcohol sales were banned in SEC stadiums. And also, Hitler disarmed the Germans when he took over (not really, but I read it somewhere). Why can’t I bring my arsenal in to cheer on the Hogs?1Q?! How else are the…
What’s hilarious to me is that they’re THE SAME GOD.
Because he wanted to wrestle. He wants to compete. He would much, much, rather compete against boys, but if he’s told it’s either wrestle against girls or don’t wrestle, I don’t think it’s a crazy choice.
Infrastructure does need to be upgraded with increased density, but that is cheaper, per resident, than creating new infrastructure in less dense areas.
They’re not leaving Veep much room for satire.
Apparently nobody told Levi you’re never supposed to double wrap a Trojan
How are you at lifting large, human-shaped Cheetos?
FALSE! Black bear
So why doesn’t he call her out on it? Fuck decorum and politeness. Look where that has gotten us. I would like to think I would be following up on that. “really lady? We need guns in schools to defend children from grizzly bears? This is honestly something you believe? And in believing that you think you are qualified…
Dee being portrayed as an ostrich is the most inspired piece of television I’ve ever seen
Flying in an uncomfortable pain in the ass for everyone. Be prepared up front so things can run as smoothly as possible for you and make you less of an obstacle for everyone else around you. Stow your crap, sit down and shut up.
He needs to go back to college. This has nothing to do with how good of a coach he is or that he seemingly failed at the NFL level, but more of a commentary on the fact that he is simply a better fit at the college level.
Also, Prescott would not have been playing behind one of the best O-Lines in football and handing the ball off to the rookie of the year (also related to that Offensive line) in San Francisco.