
The two links posted are not talking about the same issues. PredD’s link is talking about pumping wastewater from fracking into an aquifer which is capable of providing potable water. Your article is in reference to the fracking process and to the belief that the act of fracking pollutes the water in aquifers that the

This is a technique that is used all over the US and in Europe. Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) can be used to create plumes of fresh water in very large quantities to keep saltwater, metal contaminants, and radioactive elements out a well’s feed area. States like Florida use this technique all of the time to keep

Aquifers are actually very good at keeping bacterial growth down. The sand in the aquifer acts in the same way as a water treatment plant filter works. To truly purify the water you would need to add chlorine, use a UV light, etc. Most people with home wells in the US do not have chemical or UV treatment and do not

I really hope the developer of TotalFinder or XtraFinder figure out a way to get their apps to work. Testing Path Finder out now but would really like to go back to one of the other two options.

I have been using this one for a couple years now (bought the original off of Kickstarter). Both me and my wife have one in our cars for our iPhone 6+’s. Placing the metal plates inside our phone cases makes it seamless to use. It can hold onto a phone tight enough so that a bumpy road won’t send it flying but it is

You do see fractions of lengths on plans but usually to the half or quarter feet/inch and those are usually only on architectural plans. Those fractions are only included since common measuring instruments, rulers/tape measures, are what contractors use. Switching all of that to metric would only really require them

Use sites like or to get an idea of what you can expect a salary in your career to be in the MD/DC area, and base it off of that. I live in MD and the closer you get to DC, assuming you want to be in a nice area, the more you will pay for housing and other things. Doing a little research on

Adding these “4D” gimmicks will not get me to come to the theaters more often than I currently do. I am someone who would rather watch movies at home but there are some features that will get me to come to the movies more often. Recently a Cinemark theater opened near me that has a bar, actual food instead of the

I completely agree with you on this. I myself don’t buy music all that much anymore but if there was one way to get access to the shows and movies that I want to watch, when I want to watch, I would happily pay for it. I still torrent because that option does not exist. Using private torrent sites (no viruses, no

I couldn't agree more, and to add on to it, if a few people have recommendations (everyone usually does), check them all out and see which ones are willing to work with you to get what you want. They will also spend more one on one time and explain the stone selection process better. If they are willing to invest

Buy the diamond on one of those sites if you can and have it set at a local place. At least discuss this with a local jeweler and see if they will provide maintenance on it. I looked into this route when buying my wife's engagement ring and a few places would provide maintenance. I think Jared actually told me that

My father had to have a bone marrow transfusion about 2.5 years ago when he was diagnosed with something similar to myelodysplastic syndrome. He was lucky in that two of his five brothers were perfect matches for the donation. They chose the younger of the brothers and he said that the filgrastim shots would make

In the Baltimore area, we have a service that while different than Uber or Lift, is just as handy. It is called Charm City DD, and the service goes as follows. You kind of need to know where you will be at the end of your night ahead of time, so it is best for functions like weddings or parties, or if you have a

My 2009 13" MB Pro, 8GB ram and SSD started having some issues not long after installing Yosemite. Chrome and Finder would crash a bunch and would render the thing useless. I ran disk utility to repair my permissions, usually works if things start to act weird, but it did nothing to help.

You are right, before common core, people would just memorize these smaller addition and subtraction problems since you see them in everyday life often enough. What the problem is really teaching the kids is how to break down the problem so that they can solve any subtraction problem the same way. As an engineer,

Yes, all objects have a vector of force on them. Only in say space where you are far enough away from all other objects that no forces are acting upon you (I don't believe there is such a thing as this but for this example lets assume this is true) would you not have any forces acting upon you. So an item at rest

Inertia is nothing more than the response of an object when a force is or is not applied. An object in motion will stay in motion unless acted upon by an outside force. For instance, if you were to go into space and fire a cannon ball in any direction, it will move at a constant velocity once the accelerating force

I'm sure others might know more about this than I do but couldn't a system be created similar to an ApplePay system utilizing tokens or the like to cast a vote? The way I envision it would be you sign up/register for each election, then use your phone to select your ballot when it is made available to you. To send

The ability to rotate and save PDFs along with combining multiple PDFs into one makes it more useful than Adobe Reader. For an included PDF reader, it is hands down the best.