
You're completely right, it all depends on the source. It is likely that JimBJ9's in-laws are on a very small water system or have a private well. Well water can taste very good to some people and very bad to others. Plus a private well system isn't regulated so if there is something wrong with it, they might now

You're completely right, it all depends on the source. It is likely that JimBJ9's in-laws are on a very small water

I may have witnessed one of the most bizarre places to be worried about gluten free food.

I think your points are well made. You get the best return on your investment if you go into a major that has promising job growth and will pay well. If you go into college thinking that you will be able to pay off your loans and make enough money for the future with a fine arts, theater, or any number of liberal

You are correct in your assessment with how well the filters will work. The best treatment you could get from something like this is probably around 90% removal of bacteria and viruses. Activated carbon (GAC) is good for removing chemicals from the water and sand is ok for particulates but something with a smaller

Here is a picture of an old wooden water main. You can't see any of the fire plugs or service line connections, a lot of times they were just cork plugs, but it is amazing that they used to do this for water.

Just bought a house but rented just before that.

Rita's are actually in a lot of places. They started in PA, in the Philly suburbs and now you can find them in most east coast states and a few other places as well. As you mentioned the Italian Ice - Custard Combo is great, they call it a Gelati.

While XBMC is more open and arguably more powerful/customizable, it does lack the platform support of Plex and the ability to play your media virtually anywhere. The fact that you can play your media on almost any device at home, then pick up where you left off or view something new at a friends place, hotel or even

I bought the magnetic snap when it was on indiegogo, after I received it I gave all my suction cup mounts away. I like the magnetic snap one better than the Universal one above solely because it has a smaller footprint.

I bought the magnetic snap when it was on indiegogo, after I received it I gave all my suction cup mounts away. I

I have used this one for a while now and love it. If you don't use your CD player much then this one is great for you.…

I have used this one for a while now and love it. If you don't use your CD player much then this one is great for

I'm in the process of finishing one of these right now. Took a few different designs from around the internet and modified it so I could do it with minimal tools. Doing the last finishing touches now. Only spent about $150 on supplies and an extra $50 or so in tools and tool rentals. The one in this post requires

Places that have limited supplies tend to handle their water and wastewater differently than places that have abundant supplies. Lets use your example of water in California vs. mine of water in Maryland. Maryland usually does not have to worry about water supplies. It takes from the rivers and aquifers as it

This is done more often then you realize. There are large companies that are not tied to City or County governments like other water utilities are. Aqua America and American Water are companies that own treatment facilities, own distributions, do both for systems, or just operate City/County owned systems. Their

Portland's water is unfiltered but is treated with Chlorine and ammonia, there is a 3 hr detention time before the ammonia is added, plus they have very high quality source water. Very large water systems used to be allowed to leave finished water reservoirs uncovered since they can store more water that way. EPAs

Obviously there is the potential to have incidents in the future but we can design new facilities that will take into account exceptions that rkieru stated. With the logic you're using, why should anyone fly in a plane or drive a car when there are incidents of planes and cars getting into accidents? Nuclear energy

Got married 6 months ago and a lot of what this article says is great advice. We were able to have a blast at our wedding and here are a few things that I recommend:

I don't see this scenario written out in the bill and I have to have some faith in that the kids in Missouri don't all follow their parents in this line of thinking. Lets say the parents absolutely do not want their kid to learn about evolution, but the kid in fact does want to know about it and does not share the

Yes, as Andy stated Plex will do that. The one thing to consider tho is in order to use the Chromecast with Plex as of now you need to sign up for Plexpass, a subscription to get new features quickly. If you were to get a Roku you could stream to there without a Plexpass subscription. I currently have both a Roku

This post has a lot of great advice. Last year at this time I went through this process. I looked online and in the bigger chains a bunch to get an idea of what I wanted to get my now wife and they were great for ideas. I recommend working with a local jeweler if you have the chance. They do have to compete with