
I agree with a few of the other commenters, I'm a mac user who just started using windows 8.1 on a pc i built for the kitchen. I use win7 for work but switching over to OS X because you don't like Win8 is dumb. You will have a learning curve with either OS if you're familiar with Win7 or older.

Eye round can definitely be used if you can't get ribeye. If you can't bet it thin enough, get a heavy duty ziplock bag and use a meat tenderizer or a small pot/pan to flatten it out as thin as possible. It will make it cook correctly and make it more tender. I'm from Philly and if you want to make the more

I use this one and have for a few years now. I use it while grilling, smoking, baking and even when I brew beer. Usually really cheap to buy off of amazon.

Both items you mentioned are about memorization. Knowing the year in which a battle occurred is only memorization. Now if you asked what was the outcome of the battle and what affects did it have on the war as a whole, that is critical thinking and not memorization. Yes you are correct in that to "derive the

After some quick searches on both amazon and newegg, finding the closest matches that each had at this time, here is that you would pay for something similar that you built yourself. Mind you that I did not add the motherboards, displays, or cases to the prices.

Jawbone JAMBOX is sold out for all but one style

Generally in older cities, they have various water main, valves, sewers and storm drains at various depths. On the surface the manholes look like they are just placed randomly but you could have up to 6 different utilities in that area. You will find this in most cities.

You hit the nail on the head with this. There are a lot of things that we are making mistakes with especially on the environmental side of things but our infrastructure is something that we all need to have a civilized nation but no one wants to pay for it. Roads, Bridges, Energy Grids, Water Distribution Networks

Same, my Nexus 7 hasn't received it yet either. It's kind of BS that its been over a week since the update has been available that it still hasn't come through.

From most used to least, my order is: Phone, Desktop, Laptop, then Tablet. If I had more say over my devices at work it would be Phone, Laptop, Tablet, then Desktop. My phone (iPhone 5) is always with me at work, home and in the car. As of now my desktop (higher end Windows 7 HP Z220) is used all day at work but

I myself am a water/wastewater engineer with regulatory experience in MD (I know that this is an article about PA but geology and these issues hold true for both MD and PA). I have worked with treating various radioactive elements from drinking water such as Radium, Uranium, Molybdenum, and Polonium from drinking

I had the same issue with my fiances cat. (I too hate the idea of a cat on anywhere I eat or prepare food). I was bound and determined to get it to stop and found a way that worked for me. It was a two fold approach, online I found the suggestions of double sided tape, and my other tactic was a motion sensor air

I hope you or others in your area have contacted the City's water department. If you have but it has still not been fixed, contact the State agency that regulates public water. I used to work for the agency that regulates drinking water in Maryland and would inspect these facilities. We would get calls about this

These worms are most likely Bloodworms, the larval stage of the Midge fly, and they feed on algae and are no harm to humans. I am a water systems engineer and my guess would be that the free chlorine concentration in the water system either was not high enough or they have a water tank that has a broken vent screen.

I completely agree. The way you handle the check situation is exactly the same way I used to before I was engaged. Went on a couple of dates with girls I met online and if we both didn't want to meet up again we split the bill, if I didn't want to meet up again but they did I picked up the bill. If I asked a girl

I completely agree with you. I use FiOS as well, switched over from Comcast, and have loved almost everything about it other than the cable boxes themselves. The only thing I miss from Comcast is their cable boxes, I always thought they were really responsive, their menus were easy to navigate, and the On-Demand/DVR

Yes it can harbor bacteria. Most water filters are filled with activated carbon that remove byproducts of disinfection. After all of the active sites on the carbon are used, the filter acts as a passive filter only removing particulate matter. Since public water systems are usually chlorinated, some have ozone, the

Depending on your spring, it could be much worse for you than any other form! Pretty much like drinking water from a creek. If the spring is proven to NOT be under the direct influence of surface water (GWUDI is the abbreviation and stands for Ground Water Under Direct Influence), it is safe and what you want to

I agree bio oil works well for scars. Great for other skin issues as well.