Daddy Fat Slacks

I don’t know if this is a hot take or not, but that game was terrible. Zero defense, horrendous shot selection, careless turnovers. Just a chaotic, undercoached mess. If that’s what counts as thrilling bball now, meh.

Shitty police- who hold the potential to kill at a moment’s notice- should scare everyone. This is an excellent documentary about the militarization of the police and it’s effects on how situations like this are handled.

At first I thought watching a game backward didn’t make a lot of sense. Then I realized it’s just another perspective. And from that perspective every game ends in a tie. And then I thought, why not draft another power forward?

Jesus: Tim, when I said, “Follow me,” I didn’t mean “Get cut as much as possible.”

I think it’s kind of sad how he sidelined his own best judgment in deference to a figure of authority, an authority whose own judgment is not to be questioned, and it cost him his own better interests while only furthering the narrow interests of the organization that authority represents.

“That Brown fella is pretty good!” - my cousin who only watches football on Thanksgiving

I hope this article is satirical, cause it’s blistering hot garbage.

Let’s hope we come up with a different solution to this problem than we did for 9/11.

He is starting to intimidate them by denying the press pool access to him. This meeting is to further intimidate the media to bend to his will. He doesnt want the media to criticize his actions. This is a fucking call to arms for any and everyone who respects free press. This is a direct threat.

Putting more corruption into something run by FIFA is an extra-ordinary feat by itself.

Burfict is unlikely to learn anything unless the NFL hits him with a fine, and then, immediately and without warning, justification, or explanation, hits him with a much bigger one.

I’ve heard that tv personalities make THE BEST presidents. ;)

“Bush doesn’t care about black people.” -Kanye West, 2005.

Now playing

...watching Joakim Noah try to move up and down the court these days should be enough to make anyone nervous about the long term effects of Thibodeau’s philosophies on his players.


I’ve sentenced boys younger than you to the gas chamber. Didn’t want to do it. But felt I owed it to them.

“You’re a good egg, Noonan. Now pick up that gum wrapper” - Trump

“It is not enough for you to be out of my house. I insist you also be miserable.”