Daddy Fat Slacks

How dare you disparage the good name of Dr. W!

Bravo sir.

Matthew Broderick AND that hat.

A martyr for White Nationalism.

Was not expecting that ending. I should’ve known better.

As a Buffalo resident (Elmwood Village!) I approve these sentiments about Carl Paladino.

Sounds like they dialed up a pier 6 brawl.

Like Abu Graib all over again.

Cotton-Top Revolution.

I needed to read it twice. Hats off to ya, sir.

Ah, the not so elusive (for Florida) Square Grouper.


Hopeless Wizards fan here too. I feel your pain.

Fast-tracking himself for that 2020 nom.

“How ‘bout a Fresca!?”

Never mind the country. Trump is unfit to run a fart after dinner at Taco Bell.

Trump’s America.

I’ve been yearning for this list almost as much as a Trump loss.

-1 father figure in his life.