
In her defense y'all, it's possible she's a racist. Ever think of that?

Holy crap! This works out great as a REALLY couldn't care less WHAT is on a teenage girls mind!

you sound suspiciously happy ;)

WHA??? This is the comment Jezebel chooses GRAY me out. oh brother, thanks Jezebel for sparing us from stupid trolls...we don't know how to ignore stuff without your help!

Religion ruins everything

everybody secretly wants to watch everybody do IT. i think that is what is commonly referred to as a FACT

Please dream me, Tom T Robot, winning the Powerball.

Good job Ferguson PD!!! Al-Jazeera is on to you. Is that really want you want?! You better get your shit together before the U.N. steps in. I'm not even kidding.

please explain

Yes. It is truly an incredibly fascinating dichotomy between "stated belief" and practice. Like those nice young men that partied it up with alcohol and women in the months leading up to their jihad against really tall buildings in New York...I will NEVER understand religion. NONE of them. They ALL rely on some

This receives 1000 robots (FYI - robots are my award system)

Thongs are Wrongs. Go Commando instead. Also, for fuck's sake ladies, can we agree to use baby wipes? This truly is NOT rocket science.

I concur!

True. We do not have the whole story. The only thing we know for sure is from her reddit post: 1) her husband sent HER an email of this "spreadsheet" (whether or not it is factual is unknown) and 2) SHE posted it to Reddit. In my book, she is an asshole.

but 3 out of 27 attempts? this woman simply no longer wishes to have sex with this man. some of those repetitive "reasons" have clearly become excuses. or perhaps they were never compatible in the first place and got married anyway. go figure. people?? am i right?

And that is the saddest part of this story if that turns out to be the reason they are completely incompatible sexually. Sad. Sad. Sad.

Perfectly valid hypothesis. Except (if his spreadsheet is accurate) she should remind him of all these things so he will stop "pestering" her. It is called communication and she is obviously not utilizing that skill set.

Also, she is an asshole

Ummm, unless I am reading this story incorrectly, he sent her an email that she then posted on Reddit. I'd say she is the asshole. Plus, if your spouse is no longer attractive to you, or isn't "fucking you right", or WHATEVER, perhaps you should TELL HIM! Dudes are not pricks just because they want sex! AND for

This chick "feels gross" and "needs a shower" A LOT!!!!