
He’s really going to be in hot water if video surfaces in a year.

That’s a holy place for Juish people.

Unfortunately the sobriety test they used was the Wonderlic exam.

It’s just like the beginning of Good Will Hunting, except none of them are geniuses and it’s entirely their fault. 

Six or seven kickers is a lot of kickers

You double-doink in Chicago, and you’re an outcast forever.

Certainly not the first time some Arians have complained about the work ethic of a Brown.

I certainly don’t think there’s any excuse for choking a pregnant woman. But someone had to step in and stop Mrs. Rivers already.

(Apropos of nothing, go here to vote for the Ass Team of the Year.)

how dare you, Drew Brees is a saint 

It’s great that Christian Hackenberg gets to be a second round bust in two leagues. 


LeBron’s hair looks like a post-wildfire satellite image of California.

This was actually an ad for their new sitcom, “Triumph of the Will and Grace.”

Commentator 1: You could not have scripted a better ending to this game!

When a reporter told Derrick that Butler was going to be SAT, Rose replied “Oh yeah? Who is going to take his place?”

Oh, enough of this shit. If I wanted some Butler drama I’d go watch Remains of the fucking Day

Q: What’s the easiest way to end up with $1,000,000?

Thank goodness somebody made this about Boston.  Good job.

Goddamn commie whale refused to stand for the flag.