
We get it dude, you're a libertarian 

Kicking’s brutal. It’s the most nakedly binary aspect of football.

Hey! It’s Kaepernick in an herb garden!

Was about to leave this article extremely disappointed for not seeing this exact GIF.

Antonio Cromartie has a variation of this disease that causes him to hit it raw all the time.

What a hypocrite. He’s been stretching that shirt out for YEARS. 

I’m surprised she told you about that.


A Michigan State fan looking the other way as a young athlete is abused?  Not exactly breaking news.

Another tragic example of what happens when you attempt to drunk Uber instead of drive.

I heard Jay Williams called Fauria a moron while speeding by on a motorcycle blindfolded.

JFC, his signature is just his first name in block caps? What a prick.

cue the discovery of his homophobic tweets as a fetus

Yes, I believe it’s called Marvmarinovichism  

That’s European soccer for you. Nobody even touched him, but he fell down every time.

GTFOH. Firing Tim Beckman didn’t damage Illini football. A dead horse doesn’t get any deader when you shoot it.

Are any of us?

Too many toes and a hard tackle.  Rex Ryan just soaked his beanbag chair

I know we all love to rip Winston, but I applaud his comments here, and I hope he continues to learn and grow with each mistake. It’d be awesome to watch a 9ft professor play QB.

The analogy is terrible. KD would obviously just call the cops.