
This goes too far. While I certainly understand the notion that overt aggression and physicality are inappropriate in general society or the workplace, sport is an arena specifically created for the expression of those traits. I play in an NYC mens’ recreational soccer league and: 1) we all suck; 2) we all know we

it’s time the blacks dropped their African s*** and become Americans and yes I had these discussions with my black friends

If the NFL doesn’t know what a catch is, how could they ever understand a catch-22?

I think New York could use a 2nd professional team.

They know how to say “fuck you” they just pronounce it “sorry”.

Auto Mechanic: I see the problem

I can assure you that I have zero faith in humanity.

It’s funny because even the most Leftist, crunchy, Liberal elite gives the GOP voting base more credit than this, never thinking they’d believe this line of dumb bullshit. Yet, the GOP pols are out here trying to make Occam’s razor into a fucking spoon hoping their base eats it up.

ive tried hard to forgive ryan leaf for all his various transgressions but that last item is the final straw.

This didn’t stay in Vegas...

The more countries try to deny this, the more he’ll try to supply it.

Jesus, did a hyphen kill that guy’s parents? That is obscene.

Can’t get in trouble if you are adding -er, -y or -s to a last name.

He’s done it before, and they’re always my...don’t want to say “favorite,” more “least-hated” of his limited Twitter repertoire.

‘We were emotionally broken and we didn’t have any football arguments to change the course of events”

You know, those are three amazing players. So it doesn’t feel bad to be in the same conversation as them.

Photoshopping goalies next to wild animals is something to do while watching World Cup. I wanted to wait an hour before I started drinking beer.

In his Twitter bio, Matt Bilinsky refers to himself as a satirist and an “accidental provocateur.” I hope he gets his ass kicked again just for that.

The whitest part of this story is that the lawyer bought the ticket on Expedia.

I don’t think he’s skipping leg day; I think he’s just climbing into the machines upside down.