Ooo nice burn (just not on the crop fields as that would diminish profits).
Ooo nice burn (just not on the crop fields as that would diminish profits).
Did anyone try yelling “Stop resisting!” over and over again? That legitimizes the force.
I do hate that stop but I also enjoy going to Holiday Club. It’s a double-edged sword.
The Posthumus Dick choice was indeed an Easy D.
Jesus, Russell Crowe has really let himself go.
Can’t wait for Mark Wahlberg to play Edelman in the movie version. The ball will be voiced by Seth MacFarlane.
In all fairness, I think everyone in Atlanta is showing up to work drunk nowadays.
“If you were born white, you automatically have a monstrous advantage educationally, economically, culturally in this society.”
War and War
and you understand how important face is
No, but it’s 2017. So 1939 was 78 years ago.
R.9(e): A good ringballer is always prepared to go the extra siriometer. Using one or both of your lower limbs (or a single upper limb of your own) to entangle your opponent’s lower limbs or otherwise force him to lose his balance or force him to fall to the playing surface shall not be a foul. All is fair in ringball…
Also, fuck anyone who only brings up Black Lives Matter when it comes to a fetus. A bunch of shallow shitbags.
You know what they say: to the early bird goes the lowest hanging fruit.
Joe Trumpkin would have kept his job, possibly even been promoted.
They come here. They win our boxing titles. They drive drunk... Wait, he was born in the US? Are we sure?
Look, asshole, I told you before we went to the party I was going to get shitfaced drunk, make a pass at the hostess in front of her husband, corner one of the black people so I could tell that killer Freddie Gray joke, drop a c-bomb on the first woman to reject my sloppy, hands advances (also the hostess - two birds…
[logs on]
That shit will get leaked by morning. I live in among Trump troglodytes and I sense in conversations that they are starting to shit their republipants about the consequences of what they’ve done.