It’s so hard because everyone is so lovely for the most part and you’re just like, MY FAMBLYYYY!! I think the crazies are really just a handful of people but they take their jobs seriously 🙄. I look forward to being Insta buds!! ❤️
It’s so hard because everyone is so lovely for the most part and you’re just like, MY FAMBLYYYY!! I think the crazies are really just a handful of people but they take their jobs seriously 🙄. I look forward to being Insta buds!! ❤️
Dunno ask ur mom
I know a lot of jezzies going who are also meeting other non-kinja folks (myself included) - I keep thinking it would be nice if we had some way to identify one another even for those who can’t participate in a kinja-specific meet up. I don’t want to suggest a ribbon necessarily cause that seems played but maybe…
Needs more stars
Put #twinja in your twitter bio or just search that hashtag - you’ll find lots of pals from here and other parts of Kinja and it’s (for the most part) a lovely community! I’m taking a break from it, but I miss it, and you’ll be welcomed. Just be prepared for a lot of good-natured food arguments. :)
I completely understand. I can’t offer a lot of advice because i’m still fighting to get out of my own hole, but just wanted you to know you aren’t alone. *hugs*
I think I have the broke-down cheap version of Katherine McPhee’s boots. although i don’t know how much cash she’s raking in these days (I let my Katherine McPhee newsletter lapse) so maybe they’re the same broke-down cheap boots?
I get to feel better about my own unstable self and also not feel like an ancient rotting corpse! What’s not to love!
I recently re-read all of the series for like the 6th time and for the first time ever I SOBBED LIKE A CHILD at that part w/Snape.
extremely same
for some reason I’m also just not a big “go to the theater to see a Christmas movie” person. They just feel like things that should be viewed from one’s cozy couch under a nest of blankets.
Finally, a show with people MY age acting like assholes! FUCK YEAH IMMA WATCH THIS ALLLLLL DAY LONG.
That’s my demographic!
Okay but there’s literally no movie you won’t watch.
When it’s on demand next year, sure! Will not leave the house for it though.
I think maybe you meant to respond to the other commenter who mentioned hate groups (I didn’t), but I think the point still stands that using one part of the country as a scapegoat and ignoring the wolves at your own door isn’t helpful for anyone.
The best music video of all would be if someone put together a compilation of westworld scenes and set it to Wild Wild West and maybe Will Smith is in it.
oh THAT’S where i know her from!
awww somebody’s got a crush!