Why is doing things in person inherently better? Maybe you personally get extra satisfaction from interacting in person, but that doesn’t apply to everyone.
Why is doing things in person inherently better? Maybe you personally get extra satisfaction from interacting in person, but that doesn’t apply to everyone.
I wish people like you would wear clothing with their really fucked up opinions on it so the rest of us know who to avoid
It’s more of a commentary on what the media is willing to ignore and why.
Dude was a celebrity and significantly older than she was. You don’t see a power differential there?
it’s a metaphor. Gigi is the nightmare timeline we’re in, we’re the dog.
I didn’t see the movie mainly because this is what the previews and dude-reviews indicates to me
I’m a ducking huge fan of the southern reach trilogy and Jeff vandermeer in general. The movie incorporates enough of the WTF from the books to be worth a watch, but as with most adaptations it just can’t reaaaally approach what your own mind can envision.
Same! I blame Kate.
Ugh, totally agree with her, I hated the Kate love triangle. That character had so much more potential.
I relish the dark what can I say
I’ve been waiting for the tide to turn on KK around here. Feels good.
For me it was one of those where the biting social commentary was way better than the plot. Her first is much better, IMO.
Just when I think love is dead
I recently purchased a spandex skirt featuring the avi of one of my Kinja Twitter pals at redbubble
Exact same
I agree. The outrage seems a touch performative.
This was the wrong thing to read while high because my mind is fucking BUzZInG with Something’s Gotta Give: The Twinset
You’ve always been my favorite ❤️
I am beyond pleased with K’s redemption storyline. She more than deserves it