Tom Servo's mechanical heart

well if I’m being honest, I am EXTREMELY lazy. and not very talented. but i would love a gift like that, myself!

Perhaps this is why my parents REFUSED to get this game for me. Hmphh. Vicious propaganda.

Yup. It’s an extremely convenient worldview, isn’t it.

Hot damn I miss the twitter

If I gather correctly, she was trying to purchase a large item and they didn’t have any paper bags left that would fit the item. So the cashier was like, hey we have these Michael’s reusable bags we can sell you that will fit it.

I watched this earlier and was just like. For everyone who wonders where all those trump supporters came from... here ya go!

I have some relatives that also do this and it’s very helpful!

I love this idea. I just need to find a powerwheels I can fit in 🤔. I did buy myself the little Sphero BB-8 last year and enjoyed a full day or two of playing with it before it went onto my desk where it has since remained. Worth it though!

awwww I love games too! I wish I had more people to play them with. I’ve got quite a collection but not many of my pals are interested.

One of those times I want to make a whole bunch of burners so I can star this over and over. I love you.

We tried that once and there ended up being a few people who JUST COULDNT RESIST getting “a little something” for everyone. Follow the rules, people!

That sounds SO FUN!

I wish I still got toys for Christmas and I would like to somehow make this a thing for adults. I don’t need Hungry Hungry Hippos, it true, but I also don’t need an ill-fitting sweater that I’ll have to return and at least the hippos are fun.

Denial: not just a river in Egypt

Seems like Conway’s just doing her job. Nothing like an accusation of sexism to get Trump supporters (not to mention just poor, misunderstood, emasculated straight dudes in general) all hot and bothered and salivating for JUSTICE.

You’re right, it is, which is why I feel conflicted about it. 😕

Which is what I’m trying to do. I just wish the context wasn’t western standards of physical beauty.

Only the DMV and no one will believe them anyway

To be fair, I have had far too much booze today to even be commenting and attempting coherency but such is the excitement in life.

I really want to feel positive about this. But. I’m struggling with feeling positive about beauty pageants? I get why this is a feel-good story and baby steps toward normalizing the “other.” I just can’t cheer for it being in the context “but they can be pretty too!”