Tom Servo's mechanical heart

Yeah like. I WANT to find a reason to cheer about this, but ehhhhh.

I would contribute to this Kickstarter in a heartbeat.

I shall bring the red panties

Me: WHAT THE F WHA WHY /reads rest of your comment/ OH YEAH THAT ME

It’s just so much more fun this way!

Mayhap this baby will eventually be the one who saves us from the wreckage of a trump presidency and someone from the future came back in time to save her!

“I got a dang messed up finger for the Raiders!” - this sad panda Panther fan who can’t even come up with insults that make sense anymore.

Will never not pronounce this “la law”

The dreeeeeaaaam

*fans self*

I’ve been known to get hot under the collar on a minor moving violation. that I hoped would turn into a MAJOR moving violation if you catch my drift. Heh heh.

Go ahead. Breaking rules just makes it more fun IMO 😈

I would watch a movie about this idea coming to fruition to be honest. I just want to understand.

That’s cold, man. Cold.

Found this infinitely comforting TBH while watching Cam get sacked for the umpteenth time this season.

This isn’t the way I’d hoped to justify my endless 29th birthdays.

I genuinely try very hard not to. I’m not always perfect but I try.

I have a funny feeling in my pants area

That’s my personal goal, to shame rapists and sexists and objectifiers who dehumanize women. So I hope so! 🙌

That’s a very simplistic view that implies the media we consume and enjoy doesn’t have an impact on our worldview. Does it for everyone? No. But to suggest that engaging in media/gameplay that involves violence against women doesn’t have a numbing effect for some people is just putting one’s head in the sand.