Tom Servo's mechanical heart

TBF, I’m not picking on Conan specifically. I just happened across this article which references CtB. I’m equally happy to call out other games/forms of media and I absolutely DO think they contribute to violence as well as sexism. We can’t *blame* them - people are responsible for themselves - but we also can’t just

Okay YOU don’t. but you’re probably a decent person. a lot of people out there, more people than we want to think, are NOT, and seeing depictions of rape normalizes it for them. I have rape fantasies too! I, too, do not want to get raped!

Except being gay isn’t a choice? You aren’t born with a “being shitty to women” gene. The same way you aren’t born with a “being shitty to black people” gene or any other minority you want to insert there. The media/culture we consume absolutely affects how we view other people and how we perceive and treat them.

You really think that media doesn’t influence our perception of the world and other people? Sincerely asking. It’s not “thought-crime” to say that depictions of men and women influence feelings, desire and patterns of behavior.

Okay well, as you don’t care, no point in having a thoughtful conversation with you. Bai.

This is where (and I realize I am in the wrong room, here) I say fuck the source material. We can evolve.

yes male power fantasies have done exactly no harm to women!

Conan is and always has been a male power fantasy

I have so many questions about all of it.

completely unrelated but i still need to say it: I was randomly watching Minority Report yesterday and there is a close up of Colin Farrell’s hand and his thumbnail is extremely long and it upset me.

I just really really want to get it for someoneeeee

that would be one long-ass customer service line anyway, TBH.

same. I THOUGHT things were only going to get better in 2016. hoo boy.

nah imma get you that nose and mouth CPR thing

For the record I said this about 2016 and welp.

11/10 would put up with any amount of hater scorn on social media to participate in this kind of challenge.

I am enjoying the thought so much that I want to go out and buy a cake just for the fun of smashing it in righteous fury. Also then I will eat it because I refuse to waste cake.

I got to that part and just went, welp in case anyone was wondering about the majority of white women voters who voted for Trump!

That is unspeakably cruel of the universe.

I’ll take it!