Tom Servo's mechanical heart

Where do I sign up for your newsletter? - a lady with special interests

More evidence that 2016 is just one long, sad fever dream I’m having. Sorry ya’ll I’ll try to do better next time.

Certainly, but in the example provided, the comments were about women. and I’m not ready to dismiss talk as not being misogynistic because it’s also “crass and juvenile.” That veers dangerously close to “locker room talk” and “boys will be boys” to me.

You’re doing it right

If i get married again, I genuinely enjoy the thought of just putting my dang nipples out there. Hello world, I’m no virgin, here are my tits. I’m going to carry a chicken wing bouquet down the aisle.

Teenage boys being terrible people may not be news but booooyyyyy do i love seeing them get caught by their mommies and daddies for doing it and generally experiencing the weight of internet shame.

Hard to say if the Daily Mail will continue to nail these Weiner exclusives

I didn’t even know i thought this until I saw this comment but i swear you’re right.

Torn between laughing out loud at this being dumb notion of shaking up the show (A LADY BACHELOR? CRAAAAAZZZZAAAAAYY! THAT’LL NEVER WORK YA GOOFBALLS) and also knowing I’m definitely going to still watch.

My tits can only dare to dream of that chin-cleave splendor he’s working TBH

Dammit this is going to require more tape than I realized, but I’ve committed now and I won’t look back

Just mutter “whores, all of you” at anyone who side-eyes you

My Slutty Erick Erickson costume emphasizes literally all body parts I could squish together to create cleavage, including elbows and armpits.

Thank you ❤️❤️❤️. I lost my girl, but the love helps. *hugs and hugs and hugs*


I’ve been building up to that one for a while!

I for one am socced, SOCCED, that a group of Ivy League male athletes would demonstrate this kind of misogynystic behavior.

A certain person around here, whose name rhymes with Knighting Holish, is always talking about his brilliant business plan for a Chuck e Cheese for adults where there is booze, despite the fact that IT ALREADY HAS BOOZE. (Also DAVE AND BUSTERS EXISTS)


This has led to a serious conversation with myself about which old fashioned candy is the most Joe Biden. I keep leaning towards Mary Janes but I’m just not sure!