Oh, lol, sorry, I was making a joke. Because she talked about being pals with him ALL THE DANG TIIIIIME. and it was like, fine, fine, WE GET IT.
Oh, lol, sorry, I was making a joke. Because she talked about being pals with him ALL THE DANG TIIIIIME. and it was like, fine, fine, WE GET IT.
Better than talking about the election when thanksgiving rolls around TBH
Same reason I dropped all my libel cases
Number one show where I’m like oh my god this is still on.
Please save that scorn for those still watching Grey’s Anatomy, where it’s deserved. And there can’t be enough of it.
I can never remember how old I am. Once you hit 21 it basically no longer matters IMO
Looking back, she is not the celebrity 90s me would have expected to come out on top but 2016 me is here for it
Honey are you new here?
Same!! Who knows maybe I’ll eventually be back. I probably needed a break anyway TBH. Glad we can still be pals here :)
Ugh. Word to the wise: the vast majority of twinja are lovely and wonderful and some of my absolute most favorite people ever. And then there are people who will be mean to you for no reason. Just no room in my life for that right now.
I don’t care if it’s real or not I just want the spinoff to happen
On the edges where the roll is crusty otherwise you’ll find yourself knee-deep in cold lobster
Same diff ya dirty SJW
But did you know she was pals with Alexander McQueen
Hot damn this show is so good. I would pay for the Stanbury experience where we go for cocktails and she subtly insults me the whole time.
a five-point plan to defeat Islam
... why not both dot gif
where do you stand on hot dogs?
I hope she starts using trigger warnings on her show’s promotional materials/media.