Thomas Donohue

I am not being sarcastic, but this book helped me love cars even more when I was around 4.

It’s like the butterfly keyboard on an IBM Thinkpad 701c

Rolling blackouts still will blackout your house if you have a solar PV system with a few exceptions:

1) You must have an automatic grid disconnect (this is fair, as it is a safety issue)
2) You need batteries (pointed out above not legal there)
2a)  You have an inverter that has a grid-separated power outlet -

No low ballers. He knows what he has.

Bradley, wow, what a shitshow! Glad you made it and glad you ran into such nice and helpful people.

by law yes they have to illuminate

A 962, 924 GTP and 916 2.7 are not dime-a-dozen Porsches.  Your opinion is bad and you should feel bad.  However, the Cosmo is very pretty.

Had one. And a Timex-Sinclair TS-1000. And an Amiga 500 (with the memory expansion). And then an MS-DOS homebrew pc, and been “rolling my own” ever since.

They sold about 17 million of those so no, you’re not even close to being the only one.

Counterpoint: I’ve never had a sunroof leak in 35 years, I’m not a 7 foot tall mutant, and I’ve never once noticed the effect of extra weight because I’m not running effing autocross every morning.

My only complaint about the Golf R is a small one, but it’s insurmountable for me: I miss having a sunroof.

It’s an unused military base surrounded by developed land, not quite the destruction of the rainforest...

I have YouTube TV and just add F1 to my library. It records all practices, qualifying and races. You also don't need to set a dvr to record a longer period of time just incase the race runs long. 

They can if they plan on selling it for another 12 years.

“when it’s not cold, damp and misty”

It seems nearly perfect to my immediate needs with the exception that it lacks an Ethernet port (which in fact all Roku devices do now except the top of the line Ultras.)

To expand on number 6, you can actually sideload the Play Store itself on a Fire tablet. I recently bought a Fire HD 10, and this was the first thing I did with it.

You’re totallyright. It lands in almost the exact same spot. THAT IS INSANE!

Now playing

A guy on The War Zone pointed out that in the sequence starting at 0:52 in this video, you can see a explosion-free splash during the attack on Lutzow, which is probably actually this bomb.

Agree 100% if you’re just frying eggs, use “too much” butter! 
I typically fry bacon before frying eggs though and just use the bacon grease to fry the eggs (sometimes adding a tbsp of butter if needed if the bacon was really lean).