Thomas Donohue

Straight line? maybe, but cornering, braking and handling.... no, not in a million years.

look at you and your fancy math

The clue is in the title capital gains tax. you are paying tax on what extra income is generated from your investment. Not the investment itself. QED no double taxation.

You’re in the goddamn White House. Take off your goddamn hat.

I was POSITIVE his plan was to contest the results (no matter how close or not close it was) and make a whole TV network out of it.

welp... he got 1283 miles further than i expected... im calling it a win


He’s leaving room to lay out all the tools for the repair.

Except the shadow from the not-full-width bumper step is on the line, going by the other shadows on it (and the car beside you) and the foot+ of truck on either side, that puts you either right up to the line by a hair, or over it. Not exactly nice, you may not care about scratches but it looks like you left that

No, it isn’t.

Park or abandon? Its a 50/50 chance......


Don’t even get me started on dry weddings.

About right?

“not much” room underneath for your stuff

In other words, you’d rather be lazy and uncool.

Nationalism? No idea what you’re talking about.

This is so passe. This trick was used in an early Tom Hanks movie. I think it was “Big.” Sounds right.

Proofreader Man to the rescue! (sorry, it’s late and I’m procrastinating at work)

The racing world.