Thomas Donohue

The pictures there makes me realize it looks somewhat reminiscent of the M1 in red. It’s more the late 70's/early 80's style than anything specific about the car, I think.

I guess this means I am single handedly bringing the big lead acid battery business to it’s knees! I’m sitting on 5 dead batteries because the core charge refund places offer is pitiful. If they want them they need to start paying up more for old cores. You know where to find me big battery, let me know when you

Yes, but it’s sad that we’ve lowered the bar so much that a cleanly presented car offered for sale is noteworthy.

Good. Seriously fuck this guy and everybody like him. They actually slow traffic down because everybody needs to brake to let them in.

I have a similar glass door that got caught by the wind a few weeks ago and ripped out the 2 pneumatic plungers and half the wooden frame as well.

To be fair, they werent too high to move out.....when you get a good deal on a house in California, you got to be willing to gloss over a few, they were about to put in a pool......

‘Uge mistake on their part. Sad!

Nico ran that all of last year. Preseason testing bring out all the casual fans I guess.

You know, I once hated the PDK because I thought it was a cop-out for all the old guys who couldn’t drive manuals and needed an excuse to get an automatic (track times, better 0-60, etc.) 

I agree. Honestly, I think the 911R is the one to have. You get most of the performance of the GT3, but with a more classy, subtle look and some nice throwback touches.

Why does Switzerland make you poop your pants

I would say it will have a bigger impact on the 997 gt3s since they were the last “real” gt3 with a manual. Which kept the prices on them in the used market super inflated.

Well-well look. I already told you: I deal with goddamn Honda so that mclaren engineers don’t have to! I have people skills; I am good at dealing with Honda . Can’t you understand that? What the hell is wrong with you Jalops ?- Eric Boullier ( maybe)

Many tens of thousands of Honda VFR, ST , and Hawk owners would politely disagree...

As someone who actually works in the cloud space, THIS is why you host your app / data / whatever in multiple regions. The only sites that are having problems are the ones that were too stupid or too cheap to multi-home their apps or data, now they’re paying the price for not running their shit redundantly or

What is photoshop.

I fail to see how Not getting permanent hearing damage when attending a beloved sport is a bad thing. Surely, becoming deaf wasn’t exactly your purpose when you went before. This way, families can enjoy F1 together without fearing for the health of the kids, which I think is very nice.

It sounds like an excellent pair of Grado or Koss headphones.

You are high. The R8 was and continues to be gorgeous.

While that pretty awesome - I’ll be more impressed when it can travel through three states without stopping.