Thomas Donohue

I see what you did...

He looks exactly like his 80's mom, same hair !

No, it was GLORIOUS.

I have to say, having watched the Grand Tour yesterday and now this, I like this a lot better. The boys are really fun to watch when they are goofing around, but their reviews were starting get a bit stale. LeBlanc has a nice delivery and his opinions aren’t just the same superlatives repeated over and over again. I

And I thought I was the only one that noticed that!!!!

Actually James May going 3 mph would have been awesome in the drag race segment.

I beg to differ when you are in bumper to bumper traffic. It takes me an hour+ to travel 15 miles. Doing that with a stick would be a slice of hell for me.

Here’s a 911. Note just where the gearbox lives.

Of course the engine has been flipped, otherwise you would see the engine, not the transmission. Here, have a coffee.


Exactly this. All the money in the world cannot buy determination and persistence towards a goal. You can’t buy heart.

Nah, not true. It helps because you can get more seat time but I know of more than a few people who were well-funded and never got beyond club racing. If you start young, have wealthy benefactors and have the determination to work hard at the craft, then yes, you do have a distinct advantage. But just being rich?

I think they took that after Obama started telling him all the shit Presidents have to do, and that they’re responsible for the well-being of the world.

You cannot possibly have enough stars for the laughter this gave me.

The Mk1 pictured was designed and built in Britain. The Mk IV would qualify as an American car though.


It’s not 35. The President must be 35 years old. This would be your candidate.

If you actually read the question you would know this does not on ANY level. Not American and not made 35 years ago. It is a car though, so good for you.....

I don’t think anybody cares much about a consensual affair. It’s gloat-bait, but it’s not going to change a lot of votes. It’s the fact that the Enquirer paid for her story and then refused to run it or let her take the story anywhere else that makes it interesting. The cover-up, not the crime, to murder an old