Thomas Donohue

The engine is under glass in the man cave!

I imagine that will be easier to get than an affordable insurance policy (one that covers a driverless car** picking up real humans via rideshare).

Phase 1: Make ‘lectric car fully autonomous

Or sitting in a garage since 1985, because one day, they’ll get around to fixing that fuel pump.

Keep in mind that an average set of F1 tires only last around 75 miles.

Airdrop doesn’t require a password or any security? Anyone who randomly accepts strange pictures via Bluetooth (on a plane, no less) deserves to be delayed for hours and re-screened by the TSA. My sympathies for the rest of the passengers.

Perhaps a Jalop post to let people know how good the magazine was while it was still in print might have helped. I searched and could not find one.

In 2017.  Too little, too late.

That video looks like it’s out of a Wes Anderson movie.  Is that real?

‘Worry’ is a relative term when you live near what will be a catastrophic earthquake/tsunami zone at some point.  It’s all in the timing.

Eh.  Just another $38 per month on a six year loan.  

All of those elements were stolen from Glickenhaus.

He won an Oscar? Damn, I need to catch up on the movies after Fast Five.

I knew previous gen’s didn’t have them but couldn’t find any info on this one. It’s got great rollover-prevention systems (highest rating in US) but that won’t help you when you’re upside down.

Mustang convertibles have them?

Miata didn’t have ‘roll bars’ until 2005/NC. Even then they weren’t high enough over the drivers head.   I still don’t think convertible Mustangs have them.

One of the best road courses of the year as well.....but, nothing to see here...move along. You expect too much from this site!

They were called movie cameras back then. Video cameras generally refers to non-film cameras, which digitally record to tape, disc, etc.

One of the best CCC episodes ever was with a politician, so I’m OK with a former somewhat-comedic actor.

Some people will only buy a Porsche if it has round headlights.