Thomas Donohue

it got a 996 front ahead of the 996's release.

Agreed. Looks waaaaaayyyy better than the 97 GT1.

The runny-egg comments are really overdone at this point. The shape is the same, but those are clear lenses. No Egg. And the headlights appeared first on the GT1 before the 996 was released.

Even though the 918 successor isn’t due until ~2025, lets hope someone in Weissach bumps the schedule up to 2022.

$4500 to wrap the whole car.

I read the article, hence my reference to it in my post.

If a Lambo wrecks in the forest, does it still become a meme?

There should be an option for an Enhanced Off-road Navigation System including Emergency Positioning Indicator Radio Beacon (EPIRB) and 12-months of Global Rescue service for when they inevitably crash their Lambo out in the wild.

And I just had to google it.....I had to......because there is an even worse picture from that photo shoot.

Great, now I have that creepy picture of his small hands on her hips in my head.

Six year warranty has me pretty much looking new, but I wouldn’t shy away from a decent CPO. My need for a sunroof/SE limits the field, though.

I’m in the market for one, so (sadly) I am encouraged by the news that sales are down. Hoping to get a deal on a new SE over the next few months.

It’d be funny if your ‘bud’ was an even bigger dick, and kept your Charger, and then put your remains in a plastic baggie, which was then hidden behind a trunk panel in some boring crossover, in which you’d have to drive around for the rest of your afterlife.

In this case, the remains are just another old body part on the car.

Thank you. I’d never seen that.

Option a $35,000 car out to what people want these days, and you’ll have an $800 payment over five years very quickly.

Comparing a ~$35 one-time purchase to a $350 monthly payment for five years is a bit of a stretch. An car buyer isn’t going to buy a car that is $399/month over one that is $340/month because they think it’s a better deal.

My comment was only in regard to what info the stewards have when they evaluate incidents.

That makes a lot more sense. May have been better if they said his luggage was found by the water (if that’s the case)....I had an image of his clothes strewn about.