Thomas Donohue

“Will it scoop up a baby?”

US rental cars should come with instructions on how to start, change gears, and put on the emergency brake.

A mid-engine, carbon-fiber chassis with 160hp? For about $45,000 USD?

Phase 2: Something something mobile billboards.

What Clooney drives.

That’s kinda why I like it.

This is all I think of when I hear ‘Pravda’. Good stuff. Better than all the crap written on the internet and social media.

All of the Uber features will be useless to you if you don’t have data turned on, not just this one.

Ha.....that’s the video from Villa D’Este yesterday I just referenced. Good find!

Spike Feresten just posted a video of this car from Villa D’Este last night.

That’s a minimum of $700-ish. Even the $550 Shinola is pushing the ‘inexpensive’ theme. (Also, Kinja probably doesn’t get a kickback from Autodromo)

No need to bring the vape pens....plenty of chemicals to be ingested in every breath.

I want a ride to work in this:

Uh oh....another ‘Jalopnik does math’ post...stop the madness!!!

We’ve heard that many Tesla’s ship out still needing a few odd parts that are installed at the dealer, because that way they get the latest and greatest part. I wonder how many of these 500 were ‘complete’ vehicles?

Robert Redford = Utah = Sundance

It will be an option in a few months. It will be called GT4, but it will certainly not be $2,000.

Took a while, but I found the best option...

Special steering wheel fitted for test drive.

I’m here all week. Try the veal....