
Not at all. There was never training for a failed AoA sensor that continued to report inaccurate values, so there was no potential to train for that at all. There was also the expectation that unwanted trim change would be reversed by the pilots. Read the Lion Air Final Report and see that the first crew not only did

Boever’s white Ford F-150 pickup truck was damaged when it went a considerable distance from the road and hit a hay bale earlier in the day. It jammed the front end too badly to be driven. Boever was apparently headed to retrieve some item.

Or... they have a relatively wealthy government that actually has an interest in helping the population and improving their quality of life. I suppose that does feel like a foreign concept these days...

I traded in my 2010 WRX for a 2014 BRZ in October of 2014, the BRZ is a better driver’s car by a wide margin. The only thing the WRX did better was accelerate and carry people.

Funny you think this way. Do you remember the TPP? It would have made it much easier and cheaper to trade with a lot of countries... except for China. This means shifting trade away from China and towards other countries around the Pacific.

Notice the red areas in the chart. You’re robbing Peter to pay Paul. Steel workers benefit to the tune of lost economic activity/jobs in other markets.

Tesla will not lose money on this model because it’ll never exist.

It’s worse than that. He’s actively making our negotiating position worse.

Consider his complaints about Canadian tariffs on dairy products.

Well, see, there was this thing called the Trans-Pacific Partnership. As part of the negotiations there, Canada agreed to eliminate tariffs on dairy in exchange for US cuts in

Christ Almighty, the car was released without an armrest 6 years ago. Armrest has been a dealer option for same length of time for those of the regularly moisturising, sensitive elbows persuasion.

I was trying to figure out why I haven’t had your problem with a brand new BRZ PP manual.

I drive a FR-S (daily in summer), have only ever owned sticks in 25 years w/ a license, and have a bad right elbow (and shoulder, for that matter), yet have never once noticed or cared about this.

But a good way to get back on your feet is to miss two car payments.

Neutral: We’ve all known since we were kids that Diesel was the bad guy.

There are 4 masks for each set of 3 seats. Always always always do yours first. As the parent of a 2 year old, I know how tempting it would be to put theirs on first, but do yours. That way you would be as clear headed as possible when doing theirs. That’s also why they would never let a row have 2 lap children.

...greater Chicago-land area for 10 years and been rear-ended sitting at red lights NINE TIMES

2nd Gear: About That Ram Ad

No and no. Many ex-military members are rejected from serving as officers because they’re ex-military. There are of course exceptions but those usually are due to nepotism.

New options on 2018 Porsches:

It’s hard to erode a skill that most people do not have.

I think you should instead be asking, are all of those crying for a factory turbo such good drivers that they could even take full advantage of that 200hp?

Cause I’d be willing to bet good money that if you threw them in an FR-S/BRZ/86 on the track that most of them would quickly be questioning why they just had to