Tom Friedman's Mustache Wax

when you’re too high in public.

If the kid won’t eat what’s served, then they aren’t hungry. Put it away until they are.

Why the snark?

Why would I laugh at a woman hitting a man over the head with a frying pan? (Seriously—if that’s your defense, you’ve got some legit issues to work on.)

You’re treading really close to MRA territory here, man. No one is “outraged” over this. It’s a stupid video. Especially considering how domestic violence seems to be so prevalent is sports right now.

explain to me how posting a comment saying “that’s gross” is flipping out. You can express distaste at something without “flipping out”. The problem is that you (and others) assume that any negative reaction to something is frothing outrage.

I posted that KONY video to my Facebook feed. What more do you want from me?

100% agree. it’s sort of odd to even try calling it sexist to hate Courtney Love, I mean it’s like saying everyone who hates Margret Thatcher is a misogynist.

But FYI, you can dislike Courtney Love without being sexist. She’s just a piece of work. I remember seeing an interview with her years ago where she went on and on about how much better of a musician she was than her husband. Even if that’s true, which, whatever, is not the point, who the fuck says that about their

It’s kind of fucked up that expecting a guy not to beat the shit out of a woman is considered a “lofty” standard.

“Lofty standards”? Is “not beating up women” now some lofty standard imposed by effete east coast liberals? If that standard seems unreasonable to you, what would your limit be?

Serving your debt to society doesn’t clean the slate and grant you a do over.

Aren’t we kinda just trying to hold them to civilized standards, not really “lofty”.

Man, he’s gonna be pissed when someone reads this article to him.

“I wish I was unbeaten.”

“I don’t feel that I can really market the final two years on this contract to it’s full capacity, therefore I’m going to go ahead and decline them.”

They signed that contract, they made their bed. Why shouldn’t they have to sleep in it?

The Yankees can market back to back farewell tour’s for Rivera and Je2er but can’t market a home run race.

So the Yankees can market the retirement of Andy Pettitte’s jersey but not A-Rod’s home run chase?

The pull quotes from Cashman are confusing that could be either from the reporter not understanding Cashman’s argument or Cashman spouting nonsense. There’s no way in hell the contract gave the Yankees the “option” of paying A-Rod a specific amount of money if he hit a certain amount of home runs. And while the