Oh, for fuck’s sake.
Oh, for fuck’s sake.
“Give Noah a chance to fuck up in real life.”
He just made some wack ass joke about Bruce Jenner transitioning actually pretty recently.
He’s not American, Canadian and not European (at least not nationally) and not white (at least not white looking enough for the Jezebel crowd to be ticked at.) And he’s good looking. If you are going to be awful, you better be handsome. He gets a longer fuse for this crowd.
Some of the shit he said on Twitter was genuinely awful, and it wasn’t “idiotic” to be off-put by it. That one about fat chicks? It wasn’t even a joke... it was just pointing and laughing at fat women. It wasn’t trying to be clever or witty or anything: it was just fucking mean.
You know, I take serious issue with the fact we are calling this idiotic. The jokes he wrote weren’t funny, and they were definitely antisemitic and weirdly misogynistic for literally no reason. It didn’t even improve the stupid, shitty jokes. Had he been, say, a Republican staffer who was making inappropriate…
Ugh. I just can't focus on driving when the popo is behind me. I have to pull over because like 75% of my brain is like HOW FAST AM I GOING TOO FAST? TOO SLOW? ARE THEY MAD???
Of course it is. The goal of the NFL’s drug testing policy is not to catch players who are using drugs, it’s to convince fans and sponsors that they’re preventing players from using drugs.
“She speaks so well”
I would pay $1000 if I knew that Floyd is going to be knocked cold. But that’s not going to happen. Mayweather’s defense is just too good and Pacquiao’s style of pressure and moving forward is taylor-made for counterpunching.
Police are still proceeding with their investigation
But Greg! If being black is something that's good to strive to be, why are people mad at Iggy?
FTFY, Greg.
Seriously. Take your unrequited crush and leave us out of it.
I get my wife on this like once per week. "Look at my butt" is a timeless classic.
My 1.5 year old smelled like she crapped her diaper.
Saw him on the Motley Crue "Behind the Music" many years ago, and despite being some 10+ years younger, he managed to look even more ravaged by age than Keith Richards.
Cities probably shouldn't spend tax dollars on pure luxuries that only a fraction of citizens even enjoy.