Tom Friedman's Mustache Wax

How certain are you that he wasn’t drunk or high? This sounds like a high food idea.

I’ll take your word for it rather than watch a second of Amy Schumer’s “comedy.”

Depending on how cute you are and how profane you’re willing to make it, I’m sure Nick Denton could relieve himself of a few ballsweat-dampened bills from his infant-skin leather wallet.

It’s no one’s fault but your own that you’re ignorant.

Tim, I’m pretty sure Chip’s waiting on you. Put your phone away; people are noticing you’ve been in the bathroom too long.

Viral marketing for the chicken fries that are being advertised just below this comment section.

Yeah, I mean, he doesn’t sound like a dude I’d be friends with, but he sounds more dumb, bigoted and close-minded than evil.

Well, I mean, you gotta define “murdering.” I would say that he’s good at the actual killing part.

I would sooner listen to In Your Honor (disc 1) than a podcast.

Irish Spring. Also, Old Spice.

Saw screencap, knew what it was, clicked anyway. +1

It really is remarkable that the Yankees managed to make A-Rod a sympathetic figure.

It’s also worth noting that no small part of this is that Noah is a handsome guy with a winning smile and using that as even partial unspoken justification for his moronic frat-bro sense of humor is gross and totally in conflict with what most Jezebelians claim to believe.

Guys, it’s cool. He hasn’t made any jokes about black female bloggers, so Clover can’t understand why anyone would be upset.

That’s the entire issue. All the defenses that one COULD use in his favor (he was young, people change, mistakes, etc.) are invalidated by the the fact that his sense of humor really hasn’t changed at all and the fact that he’s still tossing out jokes like this AFTER his Twitter account became the subject of intense

Because when you build your entire public persona as a champion and fighter for the underrepresented/disadvantaged and then one of those people does something gross and unacceptable, your brain gets a divide by zero error and you’re forced to confront what you REALLY believe. That’s hard for a lot of people.

Yyyyyyyyup. The weird not only forgiveness, but the eagerness to forgive for Noah is what I can only assume to be the result of a self-identified “progressive” mindset being unable to reconcile that a member of a disadvantaged group can still make fun of another disadvantaged group and that them doing so is just as

I was gonna say, at the risk of setting off all sorts of Gawker Media THASSSSS RAYCESSSSS alarms, when I think of doctors, a name like Dr. Vijay Chokal-Ingam comes to me a lot quicker than Dr. Jojo.

Because many of us live in areas where the water infrastructure is in desperate need of repair and upgrade and has been for ages. As a result, the local tap water, when consumed straight, tastes like heavy metals and chemical runoff.