Tom Friedman's Mustache Wax

Including ranch dressing in anything besides the can you roll to the curb weekly will do that to a (reasonable) man.

I think things are a little different with the UFC because their events have a set schedule and are always promoted by the same entity. Easier to get yourself designated as a spot to go catch the latest UFC PPV.

I'm thinking this case is rather unexpectedly bringing the Deadspin contingent of the HeMan Woman Haters Club out in full force, by the way.

Uh, I never acknowledged that, though it is true.

Well, that’s not the fault of the “narrative” so much as the fact that there are photos of her injuries that appeared serious enough for the prosecution to seek a trial against him for domestic assault, one of the hardest cases to prove and prosecute, so, you know...

I’m sorry you hate your mom or sister or whatever, but if you weren’t such a repugnant piece of shit, women wouldn’t avoid you like the plague. Work on that.

Could very well be. Sad.

So did he pay her, the school pay her, he threaten to finish the job, what are we thinking here?

Oreos are what turns your kid into a lard-ass. She should be commended.

Memories considers itself a Christian establishment, with a sign on display that says, "Every day before we open the store, we gather and pray together. If there is something you would like us to pray for, just write it down and drop it in the box and we will pray for you also."


For a 600 year old mummy, Mick Mars can shred.

The WWE plays fast and loose with medical terms because the audience aren't very smart when it comes to them.

Oh my God. +1

FUUUUUUCK YOU, you beat me to it. Good game.


Yeah, shit, I mean, if it wasn't for the description, I'd have no clue what was happening in the video.

And concussions and a leaky intestine are keeping him there.