
Someone once said that proper chili is the kind that your mother made, whether it contains beans (kidney/pinto/black...), tomatoes, onion, bell pepper, celery, etc.

Chicken breast is 4.69/lb and pork shoulder is 2.69/lb where I am so...hurray for some things never changing...

I have had chili with cubed steak once before. It was awesome.  It was at a big convention in Orlando and one of the Gov’t contractors has a big party.  They always had chili and it was the go-to thing at the end of the day.   People would cut in line for it and piss people off.  Almost came to fisticuffs once lol.  

I use anchos and guajillos, and a couple-t’ree chiles de arbol but not too many; it’s easy to make it hotter at time of serving, but there’s no way to cool it down for the tenderfeet among us!

I like a combo of ancho and pasilla, but other than that, I agree. 

Your second ‘graph is a perfect introduction to Texas chili. Makes me want to make the Jail House Chili from the unfortunately-named White Trash Cookbook.

I lived in Pittsburgh for 15 years, miss it dearly and I remember one of the guys I played baseball with raving about Danny’s. And let me tell you, my favorite Italian sub. Sooo good. 

Folks might nibble based on the exterior but the interior is, “Woof”.

If you are going to ask top $$ I want it complete. ND

mmmmmm Hot Truck. I could go for a PMP right now. It’s been many many years.

they need to have SOMETHING to attract students!”

“Jar of olive salad”? Doesn’t this sort of scream for a recipe? Mine includes several types of olives, lots of fresh parsley/thyme/oregano/basil (preferably fresh), lemon juice, olive oil, shallot, and pickled sweet cherry peppers (ditch all those seeds, though), all processed into a thick paste. 

Yeah the peaches are probably packing plenty of their own sweetness by now, so they don’t need too much help.

Good recommendation. Claire knows her stuff.


I read this with a long a, short i sound.

That’s ok I don’t actually like chewy candy, just anise flavor.

You’re getting all of my black jellybeans at Easter

I was at a distillery over the weekend, they brought out the whole absinthe rig for one of the tables and I thought ‘Ha, amateurs!’.

I’m looking at half a dozen nice overripe white peaches. I’m not much of a baker, but with only about half a cup of sugar this should work out.