
Oh, come on, stop hating on Barbie. She's got it tougher than you think...

I'm so unimpressed with the Emme doll. Barbie seems so... glamorous, while Emme looks like someone going to a boring 9-5 (which is not bad, nor is it anything less than what I would love in life now that I'm older and just want my bills paid and stability). Than I ask myself if that's my opinion or just years of

I don't agree with you but I will defend with my life your right to use "inviolate" in reference to microwavable cakes.

"It never actually touches me. It's so strong I have to wrap a blanket around it."

No, putting the picture on the cover makes us uncomfortable. I've seen the picture dozens of times, it comes up whenever an article on his new Twitter fans is written. He's good looking. That's not a problem.

No, what makes "us" uncomfortable (us being "me" in this case) is that Rolling Stone chose not only to use him for a cover, but to use him looking pretty rock star. They're playing off of exactly the opposite of your assertion - they know he's got this rockstar persona (see twitter, fb for his fan base) and are

That is sort of how I feel. It disgusts me that there are people out there saying this guy is innocent, just because he is hot. This just encourages that.

That is one helluva reach, connecting these two. I'm frankly disgusted.

No, they all look like overpriced pieces of crap. Which is why they're so annoying!

Ok confessions bear time: I stopped using a vibrator when I was 21 because I felt it was desensitizing me to my human sexual partners. I have yet to use one again. Thoughts?...

Ummmm, is it just me, or do none of these things look "robust" enough?

I was horrifically scared of childbirth and now that I'm pregnant, I am EXTRA SUPER HORRIFICALLY TERRIFIED of childbirth. I'm not lying when I say that I fully expect these things (yeah, twins) to bust out of my vag like the Kool Aid man and my entire reproductive system will look like the scene from a chainsaw

Yes, Athiesm happens at all income levels, all races, in all countries and social circumstances. The same thing that leads someone to a "Come to Jesus" moment could lead another person to a "See ya Jesus" moment. But there is definitely a classist element to many of the low-blow swipes against religion. When people

They spent all day thinking about the case. Do you come home after work, sit in your bed, and think about work? Do you think your employer would be mad if he found out that you don't?

The cost the taxpayer was paying was for the sheriff to escort the women to ensure the jury stayed sequestered. The women, not the taxpayer, had to pay for the pedicure itself. So what difference does it make that they got a pedi instead of say relaxing by volunteering at a homeless shelter? They would have the cost

The prosecution did not present an airtight case that zimmerman never, at any point, feared for his life. The jury instructions explicitly reminded jurors to consider that he had the right to use deadly force if he reasonably believed his life was in danger. The verdict is a massive disappointment, but it is the last

I'm a self respecting, democrat woman who loves her bodily autonomy and can afford to move, and I live in the south. I live in the south to protest for women who cannot afford to move, I live in the south and am a clinic escort( and I make post procedure blankets for women who use abortion sevices too). I stay in the

Frankly? I think the fact that people are justifying the NSA left and right means that many Americans actually don't have respect for the law. Not in the sense that they see law as more important than their own feelings.

"Whether or not he's "white" isn't really the point."

I dont get the part about white privilege. George Zimmerman is hispanic. One look at him and you can tell he isnt white.

This whole trial was bullshit, and Zimmerman should have gone to jail for at least manslaughter. BUT HE WAS NOT WHITE. Can we please stop referring to him as white, saying he has white privilege and