
In response to the title of this- I'd argue that yes, it does matter.

Korean are notorious xenophobic it may well be the most racist country on earth. Which is why there is so much hate on foreign in Korea {and there is a lot} not because western are prone to misbehavior. As I presume a committed anti-racist Katie you are essentially indulging Korean racism.

YES. I lived in Thailand (was a teacher in Bangkok at a highly regarded prep school). This sort of insensitivity is very Thai. I love Thailand and I love Thai people...but it is ingrained in their least "hi-society...hi-so" culture. Students would consistently pick on poor students or those with dark

True, I wouldn't be able to name a Thai king either, but clearly they do know who Hitler is, or else they would not have put him on a mural. Given that he is not really famous for anything except WWII, one can safely assume that these people had at least some knowledge of the terrible crimes he committed, and then

It's funny how people think that stereotyping is okay as long as it's Westerners abroad. That's just hunky dory.

And what percent of the expat community is that?

Is there something happening in Thailand recently?

As an asian american woman myself, I hate the entitled attitude caucasian men have toward our bodies. It does not mean I dislike caucasian men in a racist manner, but in their attitudes in the court of race dynamics. They think that we will be docile subservient slaves to their desires. Accessory wives that are not as

It upsets me that people say they're being cruel to the kitten by putting her in the outfits. They put her in them to feed her so she doesn't struggle and hurt herself by pulling out the catheter and she needs to eat. She's not on a hunger strike at Gitmo, she's an injured little kitten that needs to be fed. Many

You must talk this over with a professional before you ruin this relationship. Even if things don't work out, she will always be the mom to your child, and if you don't work through this you will be harming your son by the animosity you feel toward her — either her directly, or other white people, and your kid will do

I'm sorry. Was this whole thread caused by a white woman complaining about her feelings? No? Odd. Must be because white women are just asking white theyre getting to be generalized when no one else is allowed to be. But obviously that's just crying and being hurt.

Okay, I see this thread mushrooming into something terrible, so I'm going to try to respond as best I can to what you're expressing. For me, as a white woman, there was never a question that Zimmerman was guilty. There was never a question about whether I'd side with Martin. There was only the question of how far

See: At LEAST one. It can be difficult to determine whether one is a light-complexioned Latina or a dark-complexioned white woman.

You can't blame the jury— or their race, or their gender— for the outcome of this case. The prosecution overreached when they went for second degree murder because the evidence was not there to prove it beyond a reasonable doubt. Zimmerman should not have gotten off blameless like he did, but the moment the

DOING PILOBOLUS WORKSHOP NEXT WEEK. It's like super-hero training camp. It takes place in an isolated forest and you learn how to develop improbable strength and shape-shifting capacities.

OMG did someone say that working out is tedious?!??? I know, I've been really busy lately, but you knew I'd show up.

I would expect a teacher to recognize that the fact that she still believes herself to be right doesn't negate the fact that she was engaging in the fallacy of increasingly diminishing the group of which she was speaking in order to be able to ignore any contrary examples.

We're very aware of what you describe. I'm aware of it, personally, and it informs my moderation decisions.

It may not be apparent, but I'm a writer over at Kotaku and moderate comments there. We're aware, frankly, of the reputation here and have adopted a lower tolerance for dumbassery, too (…) I'd like to think we've been improving our culture, even in a short amount of time.

That's not losing weight for love, that's losing weight for a manipulative, controlling asshole. Here's how to lose weight - lose 180 lbs by divorcing that dumbass.