
Yeah, I feel this way about criminals being allowed to reproduce while in jail. I think there was some case recently a criminal wanted to freeze his sperm and get a surrogate mother or something. If you've committed certain crimes - rape, child abuse, violent murder - you've forfeited this right and have already

This is a perfect example of the type of sheer idiocy that some on the left advocate that makes part of the left look insane and like a parody of itself, e.g. not being able to say "woman or man" because it's insensitive so you need to say stuff like "female-bodied person," "female-identifying person". Laura writing

Yes it does.

I'm pretty sure Disney is better maintained. See: My horror story. :p

He had a whole part planned for his best bro?

Let me share my Six Flags HORROR STORY with you.

OK, that pic is obviously not real. It looks like a Calvin Klein underwear ad, lol. What is it actually of?

I agree the ranking can be weird, but the powerhouse Ivies (Harvard, Yale, Princeton) are still well-above any Canadian universities, and the other powerhouses (Stanford, MIT, CalTech UChicago) are too. Brown, Cornell, and Dartmouth - the other official Ivies - have been losing their standing for the past several

Surprise! Not.

Also want to add that AA is something that white people use because 1) some black people will call you a racist if you don't use b) some will call you racist if you do. I try to use black, since I've heard some people express a preference for that term -well, at least the ones that haven't called me racist for not

Yeah, I hate to tell you this, but the people saying (or not saying) that Zimmerman was white or wasn't white aren't the white people on Jez. They're PoC.

That was amazing and spot-on.

Ari was right, even if this video was authentic, but now this really vindicates him.

But they did give a Nazi salute, although it's unclear whether they were thoughtlessly imitating the banner or knew what it meant beforehand. Also, these weren't 18 year-olds. They were college grads. Of a leading university. Jezebel gleefully (and often rightfully) jumps at the chance to rip at ignorant people all

Look, I get that you're trying to be nice and, but that argument doesn't hold water.

This is such an unnecessarily assholish comment.

Jez has a double standard and so many bullshitters know it. See: The article about the Thai obsession with Hitler. Non-white or non-Western people are inherently noble and informed, doncha know?

Right, cultural appropriation and lack of historical knowledge about an event that is largely believed to have killed more people than almost any other single event on earth in horrific ways is OK as long as it/s not White people or Westerners doing it!

Help! There was a post somewhere with resume/job tips on Saturday or Sunday Night Social, but I haven't been able to find it at all, despite like 20 minutes of looking. The person giving the tips was a hiring manager, I believe. Does anyone remember seeing it?! Help!