
Wow. Wow.

Agreed, but Zimmerman wasn't actually White - he was Latino, although he obviously benefited from America's hatred of Black people.

Sure, but many people have. That commenter was asserting that it was some bullshit thing people say they get for attention. No.

Uh, runner's high is a documented physiological response. Aka, it's real.

And because Floridians are pretty chill. There's a beach culture in FL. 200 people on a beach for a wedding just isn't working out.

Yeah, because Russia totally loved Teh Jewz and they weren't an ethic minority or anything.

You can realize that it's a problem globally, and is a problem here, and also realize that we're still not Saudi Arabia.

No. Nope, Erin. You can NEVER EVER be proud of the US or of being American. The US has just as many problems as other countries, and they're just as bad in extent and kind. FGM? Check. Sex trafficking. Check? Rape culture? Check. Pervasive honor killings? Check. Tribal war and strife? Check. Widespread female

Oh man. Reading this is making me so sad. I'm 21, but this is something I freak out about all the time. Have you tried OK Cupid? Going back to school? You do NOT sound below average in terms of personality. You're self-effacing and humble to the point of it being almost a type of dysmorphia, and you're fucking

Wow, that paper is great.

I have to agree with censoredvoices. It's suggest that games should go the Elder Scrolls route, and shows that people who make such suggestions have not really played very many video games across genres. Character-driven games depend on the characters (and most games that are canon are

Could you explain? What do you do when all your toenails are gone? Did they give her fake ones? Don't you need them to protect the fleshy part? SO MANY QUESTIONS.

NinjaCate seems to be addressing hypothetical she's encountered IRL rather than the content of your post. Like, her post about not rolling into a country and telling them they're oppressed (as in the FGM example) is not remotely even close to what you were saying. I'm guessing she responded like that because she just

Yes. It is so fucking enraging. I got called a racist idiot and an entitled white western feminist "piece of shit" or something for nuancedly criticizing Islam, as an atheist myself, in the context of also criticizing Christianity and Judaism and patriarchal religions as being unambiguously bad for women. I focused on

Please see my (longer) response to OmarGone! I more or less agree.

"Small but quickly growing market"?!

That's a really good policy, and something I should probably work on, too - what could have been a defensive, angry back-n-forth ended up being a civil discussion! :)

I do think there is some progressiveness in people opting not to butcher animals they've raised themselves, and in turning away from factory farming - but I would always, always contextualize it. I can totally understand why you would bristle a bit!

Yeah, I do think the mindset is a bit different in people who come from rural, poor, or farming communities. Was your family any of these when growing up (if you're comfortable answering, of course)?