
This. Everyone should raise and kill an animal, with that animal trustingly scuttling over to you, at least once. This would solve so many problems, because I feel pretty confident a significant enough number of people wouldn't be able to do it, and would reevaluate their stance on meat eating, or, at the least

Because once you raise an animal from scratch, and put time and effort into it, and you start to see that it's a living creature with a distinct personality (depending on the animal), and that it can enjoy the things you enjoy (laying in the sunshine) and can feel physical pain and sometimes sorrow, you become really

The issue is that people are cowards and weak. I'm vegetarian because if I didn't raise and kill that animal myself, I don't have a right to eat it. Like, most people in the Western world who aren't starving probably are too cowardly to do it, so instead they support horrific institutions like factory farms and make

I don't think that's fair. Wanting a guy who's taller than you is not the same as writing "no fatties" on your profile. As a tall woman, I just have a strong, inexplicable attraction to guys who are taller than I am. That being said, it's a flexible preference that's contingent on the right person. A few inches

I'm not super fair skinned, but I am a white girl who decided that all those teen years spent in the sun trying to get rid of acne/get tan probably did me no favors. I wear big floppy hats, and it rocks!

this person sounds like an idiot. you should start a blog and report alllll the food-related things she says back to us. endless amusement!

This is not a Western thing. The reason this story is in the news to begin with is because it's an aberration and people find this level of obnoxious self-entitlement wrong, tacky, improper, greedy, and entitled - but fascinating.


lolwut. *side eye* at that person.


Yeah, that really annoys me too. I fucking love meat. I make a choice involving a craptonne of willpower not to eat it. Eating meat is not wrong at all! Thoughtlessly perpetuating an industry that engages in dystopian levels of animal torture and cruelty, especially when you have the means to be informed, is wrong.

Actually, as a vegetarian, this is the stance I and all my vegetarian/vegan friends take regarding meat consumption.


Uh, yeah no. As a feminist atheist, I fucking detest all patriarchal religions and all the misogynistic bullshit they come with, and all the weak-minded apologists who defend them.

You mean cultures reimagine and recraft myth and folklore to fit their perceptions of themselves and suit various collective cultural purposes?!

[citation needed], and I noticed you said noting about HCA, because it's well-known these were Danish and Scandinavian folktales.

Thanks! You're never, ever supposed to accuse religions of being misogynistic and bad for women on Jez, because "OMG NOT ALL RELIGION IS THAT WAY A WOMAN CAN WEAR A BURKA AND HAVE NO MEANINGFUL AUTONOMY AND/OR WALK TEN PACES BEHIND HER HUSBAND AND STILL BE EMPOWERED!!!!" Except no. Of course, it's OK to criticize the

It seems to me, from this thread, that Jezebel has a gigantic introvert population.

Plus, even in these cultures/religions where women aren't supposed to care about their appearance because modesty and God and whores or something, the women STILL do little things that directly contradict the idea of modesty. Really colorful hijabs or painted or manicured nails, makeup on ultra-Orthodox women where

I don't think that's a fair comparison.