
Please. That's not even remotely what I was talking about. When HCA and the Brothers Grimm, to name a few examples, were writing, there was a distinct Danish/German identity and culture. The same is true of other authors that we've inherited fairy tales form like Hugo. Collectively, these are part of the Western canon

Ha. I've been recommending another movie by him all over the place "Princes et Princesses".

Then by that logic, it would be totally fine for Hollywood to take stories from other cultures and insert white people in them and a whole spectrum of people in them, as long as PoC are the dominant characters and are not portrayed stereotypically. Why depict a story/myth native to Egypt using Egyptians?! We should

You clearly have not read a lot of European folklore. Those stories can also be fairly violent, but they get re-adapted a bit to more child-friendly. The Inuit myths don't surprise me - I bet they could re-adapted.

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Agreed! I've been recommending this movie. It has more Eurocentric stories (period clothing, for example) than not, but it's great because it's so imaginative and beautifully done. Why couldn't we have more stuff like this? It's an amazing example of re-imagining motifs/history from other cultures into a coherent and

I'm unclear as to what story(ies) you're referring to. As for others, I've encountered plenty of original stories that aren't rip offs of something else.

Yeah, but usually those stories are organic and were made that way to start. As purist, leave the tales alone (leave Britney allonnnneeee).

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THIS. I'd like to see more fairy tales and myths from other cultures. There are so many cool ones out there. It is so easy FUCK YOU Hollywood for depriving me of awesome stories from other cultures.

It's nothing like The Last Airbender, which was a fucking hateful travesty and used white characters for characters and cultures and cultural inspirations that were clearly non-white. As a huge fan of the show, I object to that comparison, because rarely does anything reach the pathetic level of drivel and awfulness

Seriously, does she NEVER age? She looks perfect, regardless of how old she gets or how much she drinks/smokes/whatever. Not fair!

Ahh, that makes more sense! Context next time, maybe? :)

This makes no sense. What are you even talking about?

What industry? This has made me so curious!

This is...amazing.

In addition to Sea Anenome's advice, I'd like to add, do NOT put the reasons why you're ending things in ambiguous, wishy-washy, or open terms because he'll jump on that faster than lightning. This isn't a debate or discussion - it's a (nice) dismissal of someone who clearly does not have your best interests at heart.

What was that?

Thanks! It's so disingenuous and it's so outrageously, insultingly blatantly false. Then again, what else should we expect from Jez? They should probably just stick to analyzing pop culture and stop writing on anything remotely related to animal welfare (their coverage in general is atrocious and biased), science, or

Oh, shark fin soup is something else that makes me batshit insane. And I've heard the people who have criticized the practice from an animal welfare and DON'T FUCK THE ENTIRE PLANET OVER BY ELIMINATING A KEYSTONE SPECIES, YOU ASSHOLES perspective called "racist". It makes me insane. And the way they do it SO fucked

Oh, I guess the picture with stark lettering and a dark red background did it for me with the "How Do I Get Rid of Bloodstains?" And I've been coming across awful, violent news stories lately!