
I actually think if you are a serious criminal you should forfeit your human rights only in deportation cases. I don't think we as a country can be blamed if a refugee is harmed when they return home if they broke the laws of our country. I don't mean shoplifting or something like that but violent crimes, yeah, I

I don't care what race or culture you are:

I'd have to admit, he has a point about the European Court of Human Rights. They've been overturning a number of pretty sensible things in England:

No, it's not. It's either a gay guy, or a guy who's confident in himself and his sexuality to the extent that he can dress like that, wear it with confidence, and he'll still get girls despite all the "macho" guys in ripped jeans and awful t-shirts giving him shit. It's precisely the confidence required to dress like

I find nothing in this world more attractive than a man in a suit pants and a crisp white collared shirt with the top button undone, the tie a bit disheveled and the sleeves rolled up. You could put nearly any man in that get up and I would have to look twice. It does something to me.

Thank you for not including a hundred disclaimers in your post about how this is not only happening in India and how this can happen anywhere in the world. What bullshit. The west is a paradise for women compared to these hellholes.

I'm torn on this issue. On the one hand, I understand that a very secular government wants to keep all expressions of any religion out of the public space and fully support this. I also see the problem with most women NOT having the freedom to choose anything but that full-cover tent (sorry, that's what a full burka

That's the human equivalent of eating nothing but potato chips. Sure, it's calories, but it's not a balanced diet. They need some cat food.

I'll walk for an hour before the sun gets up. Then I'll pack up and go to the target range and take one or two pistols with me to shoot. Then back home to get cleaned up. Then I head to get a massage (legit). Then to see a new movie. Then lunch at Wendy's. I love their chili. Then home to take a nap.

THAT FACE! She is beautiful.

I got a puppy! Well she's one, but that's still a puppy. Feels so good to have a dog again. My childhood dog had to be put down right before I left for college. I didn't think I could love a dog that much again, but after only 4 days, I think I'm finally ready. Share your furry family members here!

I did. Not covered. What she did cover was her racist assumption that white people don't have ethnicities or don't talk about them. (Yeah, we pretty much do - all the time. We even ask each other about them! Some of us even make negative judgments about the ethnicities of others! Crazy, right?)

Masturbate. I'm not 'trying' to be 'shocking' for effect. Genuinely, when your alone, have a bit of time, no shit to think about or to take care of ... OR - better still, YOU DO... B-U-T - think 'I'd like a little time to myself that doesn't involve anything else but me...' I am not talking about using any cutsy

And guess what, that's your personal experience.

you say yourself you are not a white person, so how could you POSSIBLY know white people don't receive this same line of questioning?

I'll be honest, I'm a Brown Girl as well, but I've never really cared when someone asks me any of the above questions. Are you specifically offended when white people ask you things like this? Because I get asked where I'm from by people of all ethnicities. Hell, I get asked by other people from my country!

As someone who's twice your age, I have the authority and experience to tell you this. It's not going to get better.

"Thank you so much for taking all the time to read my rambles! I'm sure I sound super crazy right now, it is just sort of all tumbling out, but it is very therapeutic."

Nuh uh girl. Don't do it. Don't take another step with this man until you clarify your feelings about all this and get on the same page with him. This is the story of too many women. "I quietly sacrificed X years as he toiled to become what he wants to be, because I loved him. In the meanwhile he made great gains

So I have never commented on Jez before but your comment really got me fired up.