
O.K. as a tall woman (5'10" in my bare feet) I can say that height difference has a couple different components. 1. Not gonna lie. Tall ladies still sometimes want that "traditional" height difference thing. We spend a lot of time having insecure guys make comments about how tall we are. They can get mean. Really

Seriously people are actually trying to backhand their way into saying that dude's comments were okay? Sometimes I'm sad for us all as a species.

Cue the "I choose my choice" apologists.

One my coworkers told me she watched a show about mermaids on one of those shitty cable channels (History Channel, Discovery, TLC? ). The producers, of course, presented topic with a ambiguity, complete with interviews of crytpozoologists. And my coworker took the bait, hook, line, and sinker. She was all "I don't

That's what struck me about the situation too - the LW was left out. Obviously friendships change over time, and eventually you don't really think about how you met each of your friends. But if Dianna just met these people through the LW, it would be weird to invite them to things the LW was excluded from.

possibly including untreated mental illness

You might know a couple of vegans, but we all know hundreds of nonvegans, and I can guarantee you, 98% of us are very bored with this conversation.

Honestly, I think it's just that some people feel really defensive around vegans. Even vegetarians sometimes do. Most dietary choices — paleo, atkins, mediterranean, etc. — are about dieting or health or allergies or preferences. Veganism and vegetarianism are, for a lot of us anyway, a moral choice. And so people

I'm a vegan too and we get nothing out of shaming people. Education is the key. Whoever is doing this is hurting the vegan movement, not helping it.

I can confirm that this happens - I had a 'friend' who would intentionally put animal products in food he was giving to someone he knew was a vegan/vegetarian. He thought it was hilarious to point and laugh.

It takes me so long to tell people in real life I'm a vegan.

This is why it bothers me, as a vegetarian, when someone offers me a burger and then goes, "Oh right, I forgot, you can't eat this." It's like, no, I can eat that, I choose not to. Every meal is a choice. I don't like having food rules.

This is not Steubenville. That was a few drunk teenagers and one drunk girl. This is wholesale, planned, organized-in-advance sexual violence at an extreme rate carried by hundreds of stone-cold sober men looking for the next victim like sharks. This is a country where 99 percent of women have reported they've been

Unfortunately. "a few people are monsters" is absolute bullshit. There is no such thing. Yes, a few individuals are sadists but even then, that they are able to find victims to abuse is the result of society. Many, many ignorant people who each think themselves that they are good people or have good intentions are the

Egyptians can change their cultural norms about women through formal education, punishment of rapists and media campaigns. They need to change. It's not politically incorrect or ethnocentric to call them out on their problem with women.

Considering 99.3 percent of Egyptian women reported receiving some form of sexual assault or harassment, I don't think we should shy away from saying that Egyptian society has an endemic problem with the way it treats its female members. It is not alone in this regard, and such problems exist to a lesser or greater

I think there are also rules for hosts! If you allow people to stay with you, which I do pretty regularly, I think it's important to make them feel at home. I might be an over-accommodating host when people stay with me, but I try to make them as comfortable as possible. If they've never been to my place before, I

This is probably going to get me raked over the coals, but I don't necessarily think it's colonialist to say that honor culture is poisonous and that it needs to be fought against in every instance. I understand the desire not to have the conversation fall into a string of racist screeds or over-generalizations about

The difference is of course that the Steubenville rapists were brought to justice and prosecuted, and found guilty (albeit sentenced inadequately), largely as a result of a public outcry. No such outcry will occur in Egypt; no one will be brought to justice; no one will be prosecuted. So while sexual assault and

It's stories like this that make me want to dropout of Grad school. Learn 20 different types of marital arts, get a mask and become a vigilante that uses deadly force.