There is literally nothing a rich man can say that will keep him out of polite society for more than a few months.
There is literally nothing a rich man can say that will keep him out of polite society for more than a few months.
1. We had to read “In the Year of the Boar and Jackie Robinson” in grade school. I think that’s as close as it gets to learning sports history, and that’s fine. The main problem with teaching sports history is that the traditional narratives are bullshit, and the factual ones will make people lose interest in sports…
No, but there are people who, if they have (say) $100 to spend on sports, will spend it on trip to one football game rather than 2-3 baseball games.
That’s the entire point of Deadspin’s annual NFL preseason series, Why Your Team Sucks.
It’s ironic, because the countries that can afford to host Olympics and not have them turn into a shitshow are the rich, mostly white counties that everyone complains about monopolizing these events.
I’d put Rio ahead of Athens. People attribute the Greek debt crisis in part to the Olympics, but the country’s deficit problems didn’t begin with the games, nor end with them, and while they’re now in shambles, at least the infrastructure improvements that went into Athens are still around.
For sure. The real question is, would it have worked with Keaton, had Keaton not already played Batman?
It’s pretentious Hollywood-baiting nonsense, but it’s very well done pretentious Hollywood-baiting nonsense. The ending kind of went off the rails, but that’s what endings do.
This article would be a lot more helpful if it weren’t filled with stock photos of cardboard boxes.
Theory out of the greys: Coaches, rather than the GM or other front office staff, hire assistants. Most coaches have kids in the business, and their worst fear is that their kid ends up being a disappointment (which they mostly are, but whatever). Therefore, they: give their own kids a “starter” job, because all they…
Two Houses, both alike in Relevance...
It’d be a stretch to say Bradford sucks (provided he stays healthy) but he’s a far cry from someone of Harper’s caliber. That’s the problem - a much ballyhoo’d but not great football quarterback can out-earn an actual star in baseball (supposing Harper gets $30 million/year for ten years and the Cardinals pick up…
“Casion” in the second paragraph
Calling it now: 2019 is the 2016 of sports officiating.
All things considered, aside from the effects of mild tetrodotoxin poisoning, it’s really crappy fish. But China’s trend seeking rich need something to blow their money on, so here we are.
This article could really use some pictures.
The only solution is to make the lottery completely random. Yes, sometimes (1 year out of every 32, statistically speaking) that will go to the reigning champs. But what have we seen with the Warriors in the past couple of years? There’s nothing stopping a championship-caliber team from adding first-tier stars in the…
In Russia participating in oral sex, especially performing cunnilingus is often seen as weak and effeminate. I read a story not so long ago about a Russian gang whose rules included the expulsion by murder of any member actively or passively involved in oral sex, even with a woman.
By the letter of the law, yes, but a DA could choose not to prosecute, or a judge could dismiss charges if they were brought, given the extenuating circumstances. That said: this guy was clearly interested in something other than doing the right thing, so I’m okay with him going to jail.
I mean, they screwed him over, why shouldn’t he screw them over?